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Seven Random Facts

Lisa Flowers Ross tagged me, so here goes:

1. When I was born in DC, at the time residents weren’t allowed to vote in Presidential elections since DC isn’t a state. Fortunately, the powers that be fixed that particular stupidity by the time I reached legal voting age.

2. I had lived on four continents by the time I turned six: Born in DC, so North America. (By the way, Daddy was in the Foreign Service but retired at age 60, the year after I was born, then went to work for an oil company, which is what got us around the world for the next 5 years). Moved to Madrid, Spain (Europe), when I was about 1 1/2 or so. Moved to Bangkok, Thailand, when I was 2 (I still remember my third birthday there!) (Asia). Moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina, when I was 4 (South America). Moved back to the US when I was 6, about a month after Kennedy was assassinated.

3. My sons were both born in Washington, but 3000 miles apart (DC and state). And four years apart.

4. Life without pets is not worth living. Well, it is, but life is immeasurably better with four footed furry things. My dad never let me have a cat, so as soon as I got out of college, guess what! Cassy joined my life (didn’t have a car so snuck her onto the DC Metro subway to get home from the shelter!) in 1979 and I have had cats and then dogs too ever since.

5. I drink tea. BLACK tea with milk. Not flavored “peach-black tea” or “pick-a-scent-infused”, but real, strong, Irish and British style tea. Not teabag tea. PROPER tea, made with loose leaves in a pot (and first you must “hot the pot”).

6. I am a book-o-holic. The worst thing about retirement is the inability to buy books at a whim. Since I’m earning some income now from my quilting (teaching and sales), things have definitely improved.

7. Ooops. I forgot seven….here it is. Ummmm…. I wish i’d had the guts to stand up to my parents and follow my interests into the humanities and arts in my 20s, instead of discovering life with art in my mid 40s (quilting came sooner, at age 30-ish, which is a form of art, the traditional quilting is in my book anyway), but Art! learning about and doing, color, design, line… I got a good SLR in my early 20s and took lots of good photos, and still use photography as a springboard. So I will encourage the young, and the old, and the in between, because it is never too late to follow passion!

Now….who will I tag? Lisa already tagged Deborah… Hmmmm…….can I make that “tag” a twofer? Sure, why not…I make up my own rules LOL!

1. Deborah Boschert
2. Kathy Daniels
3. Hannah Beattie
4. Lisa Walton
5. Caity in Towoomba
6. Rayna Gilman
7. YOU! If you want to be tagged, just add a comment and consider yourself tagged!

2 Responses to “Seven Random Facts”

  1. LoieJ Says:

    I’m petless right now, and, since I’m also empty-nest, AND I have a mother and mother-in-law far away to drive to frequently, I’m enjoying being petless for practical reasons.

    However, I miss having something living here, besides DH, who is only home in the evening. And it is strange to have a noise in the house and not have a pet to blame it on. What was that???

    But there are lots of critters outside the sewing room window. Deer, red squirrels, snowshoe hare, Franklin ground squirrels, birds of many sorts, and ducks on the river.

  2. Caitlin Says:

    woot! thanks for the tag, sweetie, I’ll get to it as soon as I can break away from some Super Sekrit Project stuff *sigh*…
    I’m with you on the tea – must be proper loose leaf good quality black tea in a warmed pot, with milk added to the cup after the tea.

    And I’m also a book-aholic – oh yeah. Reduced income is a real trial for me! We tend to live by the old Arab proverb : Wear the old coat, but buy the new book.

    And pets – yes. They have kept me alive during the absolute worst bouts of suicidal ideation and deep depression.

    Hmmm, 7 random facts, eh? what a challenge!