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Coastal Quilters Chapter Banner #6

Our next two blocks for the quilt (these are, by the way, about 6 1/2 inch blocks) are the Loon and Lupine.

Polly Schuessler made the loon from one of my patterns (I adapted the Loon-y About Maine pattern’s 4 inch loon block), using fussy cuts from a loon print fabric…perfect! I just love the baby on the back!

Another amazing artist is Betty Johnson. Betty’s daughter Karen is my age, and I just LOVE to see what she has brought to share at our monthly meetings. She has an unerring eye for design, color and composition. I have told her in complete honesty that she definitely has the best eye among all of us in Coastal Quilters, including me, Roxanne, Jan and everyone. She did the beautiful embroidery for the lupine block– I gave her a sketch and said “do whatever!” I’m so glad she did. I’m going to take another photo in hopes of getting better color than this first one….it’s just a beautiful block filled with french knots that are just the right thing:

The lupines grow wild across the state, mostly the blues, but every once in a while you’ll come across a swath with the pinks.

3 Responses to “Coastal Quilters Chapter Banner #6”

  1. Feeling Simply Quilty Says:

    If Main has lots of lupines and loons, I think I need to get up there sometime.

  2. LoieJ Says:

    Love Loons and lupines. Did you ever see the children’s book about the lady who plants lupines all over? I wish I remembered the name of it. I got it for my kids from the library about 25 years ago, but never saw it again.

  3. Frances Caple Says:

    I am really enjoying reading all your posts on this quilt particularlly as I have just finished making a group quilt which is all about our island of Lewis, I can’t post anything yet as it has been entered into the group competition at the Loch Lomond Quilt Show next week,

    my favourite is the Loon, I have some wonderful memories of walking to the sound of the Loons and spending an afternoon in a canoe on a lake with a pair of loons for company, the weather was warm then there was a cold shower and a mist rose from the lake with the calling of the loons it was very ethreal, wonderful thank you for reviving memories,