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Coastal Quilters Chapter Banner #1

The past two months or so have been frustrating, as I’ve been hard at work, but can’t share what I’ve been doing for the most part! I’ve sent off to a magazine two articles, and once they are accepted, I hope I can tell you a little bit more–currently they are scheduled for publication in late summer /early fall. And, like Deborah (click here for her blog), I’ve been working on two projects for Lark Books. As well, I’ve designed and done some of the work on a quilt for my local quilt guild chapter–keep reading and see the first two blocks!

For those of you not fortunate to live in Maine, we have a state-wide guild, the Pine Tree Quilt Guild. It has MANY chapters, including Coastal Quilters based in the Camden, Rockport and Lincolnville area, though we have members also from Belfast, Rockland, South Thomaston, and other towns in the Camden Hills region. At a chapter board meeting last year, Gail Galloway Nicholson suggested we should, like so many other chapters, have a “Chapter Banner.” And she looked in my direction when she asked if anyone would like to design and organize one. Always eager to do my favorite part–the designing–I jumped at the chance! I designed the overall quilt and many of the blocks and components, and will quilt the whole shebang, but will note when someone has designed their own blocks.

To see the whole thing, I’m going to make you wait (yes, I know, I ‘m wicked!). But today I’ll share the first two blocks (going in rough alphabetical order): the celebrated Belted Galloways (a rare breed of cattle which are also found on San Juan Island, where I used to live! and known as the “oreo cookie” cows for obvious reasons) of Aldemere Farms in Rockport. This fine soul was made by Gail (who, as a Galloway, put in her “dibs” on the belties, and as an artist made her own pattern…yeah!):

And the Bear’s Paw block made by Nancy Connon. Maine has its Black Bears (and Gifford’s ice cream makes a wicked Black Bear ice cream that is a vanilla base with blackberries and chocolate), and one day about 2 winters ago, when I visited the now-closed Quilters’ Cottage Shop here in Camden, there were Bear’s Paws tracks in the snow in the front yard! We figured the bear awoke in winter and went foraging at the dump, which is just a stone’s throw up the road.

I am THRILLED with the contributions. Everyone has clearly put forth their best effort, from the most beginning of beginners to the expert. I’m so proud of everyone! I can’t wait to assemble the quilt and quilt it. It will, I think, debut at the Maine Quilts show this July in Augusta…hooray!

And one note: if you are interested in making rugs, check Kathy Daniels’ blog, a Studio in the Woods. She has a kit with pattern and all the wool just for the asking, and a photo when it is done. I believe it is punched and sheared…there are more details if you click on the link in the first sentence or in the sidebar at right. Thanks!

2 Responses to “Coastal Quilters Chapter Banner #1”

  1. SiouxSue Says:

    Love that belted Galway! The first time we ever saw them was coming out of a fog between Camden and Rockport.

  2. Frances Caple Says:

    Sarah, I know what you mean about not being able to talk about what you are doing, I have been posting work I did last year because I could not post it at the time of making, a local artist that runs classes said to me recently that she was keeping some new ideas to herself as she was not ready to share them yet in her classes and she was feeling guilty so i told her about all the quilt related things where you can’t share until they are published/exhibited, I like having to wait but yes you are a tease, I just do not mention what I am currently working on if I can’t show it, you can share with frayed edges though can’t you,
    congrats on all the forth coming publications,