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Learning Magic

Feeling a bit under the weather today, but will share this… hopefully more by the weekend…

On the Dyers’ List (link below), an e-list about dyeing (wool, cotton, silk, cloth, fibers, etc) that stays rigorously on topic thanks to listmom Pat, one of the regulars–Ann–shared a comment Caryl Bryer Fallert made in a class she took with her some years ago: “Her [Caryl’s] statement was, there is nothing special in anything that I do, you can learn any of it — it all comes down to you, YOU provide the Magic.”

…what a gem of a comment! For years I have been telling folks that ANYONE can do what I do, which I amended to Anyone can do what I do if they are willing to devote the time and effort to get there. But I really, REALLY like the idea that the individual provides the magic…..

I still believe that ANYONE *can* provide the magic because I guess I believe that the magic is creativity, which can be encouraged by practice…. it’s learning to recognize the opportunity or the idea when it presents itself…..

For more on the Dyers’ List, click on this link
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Cheers, Sarah

3 Responses to “Learning Magic”

  1. joyce Says:

    I think the magic shows up when there is a class and everyone doing the same task comes up with a different product.

  2. jovaliquilts Says:

    Hi, Sarah — I found your blog some time ago from the janome list. Just wanted to say I was at the Chicago Quilt Show this weekend and saw your wonderful piece! (I forget the title now, but it’s predominantly red and you showed it on the blog awhile ago.) Really beautiful in person. I loved seeing it!

  3. Frances Caple Says:

    I agree about the magic and anyone can, I think the most important word in the statement is you, it is used twice and the second time in capitals for extra emphasise, I also think choice is important often people say they can’t when the truth is they prefere to do something else,