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I spoke too soon…..

Today is April 5. Yesterday afternoon it began snowing. In APRIL. A lot. At 6 a.m., we checked and school was cancelled…a snow day (so much for spring…the Easter Bunny will need a sled….)! So I rolled over (had taken the laptop upstairs anticipating this) and went back to sleep. By 9 a.m., breakfast was over, so I trotted upstairs grabbed my 24 inch quilting ruler and camera, and took one step and a long reach outside the garage, and took this photo.

Yes, that is THIRTEEN INCHES OF SNOW in less than 24 hours. Now why didn’t that happen back in December when we wanted snow? We had maybe five inches prior to Feb. 14…since then about every two weeks, it is a big snow. This was the single largest snowfall since we moved here in July 2004.

Needless to say, we caved in and called the plow guy to come dig us out! Here’s Eli, 4’6″ tall, in front of the plow ridge at the end of the driveway!

It is absolutely gorgeous out,

so of course I had to enjoy the day and quilt (and make bean and noodle and meatball soup from scratch, and choc chip cookies, and cornbread….I need to work out!). In the interest of keeping my loyal readers reading, here is some actual quilt related content:

This is what I’ve been working on…lotsa stuff. Alas, I can’t share too much detail as it is for publication in three different places…woohoo! Now, if all the deadlines (two real, one self-imposed) weren’t May and June (the latter) I’d be fine! Actually, I’m doing fairly well….have two articles drafted and revised and almost done, one project drafted and made, and another project ready to start. Phew! And I may play some serious hooky from what I’m supposed to be doing and make a quilt to enter in Houston…I want to SO much, and it is just screaming to get out of my head. Anyway, hope you like what’s on the wall!

5 Responses to “I spoke too soon…..”

  1. Deborah Says:

    That is a lot of snow! Enjoy it.

  2. Sue Says:

    We got some snow in MI, too, but not so much, maybe 3 inches so far (but possibly more over the next couple of days). I’m not nearly as calm about it as you are, I’ve really been stomping around grumping about it, my DH and I were hoping to ride our new bikes all weekend! Have to grudgingly admit that it is beautiful though…

  3. Rayna Says:

    Actually, it looks beautiful – and it is, indeed, perfect weather for soup-making and cookie-baking.
    Congratulations on your upcoming print deadlines. But oh, the pressure…

  4. LoieJ Says:

    All winter we’ve gotten no or less snow than predicted. Consequently, many water lines and septic systems have frozen, including ours. We got three inches this week.

  5. Deirdre Says:

    well – we had flakes yesterday and today (cut out the sarcastic comments lady!), but nothing that would even make a spoonful! I guess that living in WAY-Southern New England and living in MAINE isn’t quite the same thing!

    Hope the boys had fun in the snow – but how did the poor puppy do?

    😀 eirdre