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Cafe Milan, Playa del Rey

Besides my husband and sons, my most favorite family member and dear friend and soul-sister is my sister in law, Joyce.

She was married for eons to my older half-brother, who is now up in heaven cracking jokes with our other brother and daddi-o-o-o.  Joyce and I talk often, e-mail even more often, and despite the fact that she is 17 years older than I, well…we could be sisters, and not having one, I am just amazed that the she feels the same way.  But, I hadn’t been to her house (near Los Angeles) to visit since Paul and I were engaged, in late December 1982. Yep, EIGHTY-two.   As hubby was making reservations to travel to Arizona for the family trip that followed my teaching engagement, he realized the best connections were through Los Angeles, and he could overnight there and he and the boys could visit Joyce.  That got ME to thinking that *I* needed some sister-time, too.   So I booked my extra days at the end of the family trip so I wouldn’t be stressing about the teaching.   Oh what a JOYFUL STAY!

In the picture above, we are sitting in her wonderful garden, sipping wine and enjoying her doggie on the first evening (remember, this is LA, land of perpetual spring weather).  Her house is several blocks back from the Los Angeles bay and has this awesome view:

And nearby, she and her friends go for breakfast on weekends at Cafe Milan, a local coffee house that serves some food, and is their home away from home. It was such a treat…I’ve been hearing about Inge and Susan and Judy and Frances for years, and got to meet all but Judy…. What a wonderful bunch of fun and vibrant women!

There were a few entertaining signs in this little mini-mall / enclave… I don’t think they were intended to be quite this hilarious, but I had to share.  First, from the dentist’s office:

and the multi-purpose medical (?) care clinic on ground level:

And I just have to share one of my favorite things from Joyce’s house…I’m not sure if this stove was original to the house, but I SO want one just like it!   She and my brother had it fixed up, it works like new, and OH it has a soul!  Whooda thunk it, I have kitchen-range-envy!

3 Responses to “Cafe Milan, Playa del Rey”

  1. Judy Warner Says:

    Believe it or not, that stove reminds me of a model that my parents had in our home when I was growing up. Ours was a smaller version – one oven and four burners – but I recognize that clock.

  2. Maggie Szafranski Says:

    What fun! Family times are always to be cherished!

  3. Deb in CA Says:

    It looks like you had a wonderful visit, I have been to Cafe Milan, I lived in So. Cal. (Culver City to be exact)for many years, I do miss the weather sometimes but also like the change in seasons here in Central CA. We used to have an old O’KEEFE & MERRITT as well but ours was PINK, no kidding, they made that color in the 40’s.
    Best, Your newest fan/Deb in CA