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The Frayed Edges, March 2007

What a wonderful day we had! We were a small group this Monday, though. Deborah, of course, is in Texas, and Hannah…drum roll…is still in China with her new daughter Nina and hubby Bart. Check out the pics from Beijing and Guangzhou here. I realized on the way up that the four of us were all in China…Hannah in the country, then Kathy, Kate and I were in China (Village) in Maine! There are lots of towns in this state named for other countries: Mexico, Poland, China…..

I took SO many photos I may have to do this in two posts! We started with sharing, coffee and Kathy’s homemade biscotti…drizzled with melted Dove dark chocolate easter eggs…YUMMM! And Kathy sneaked some extras into the box of cookies I brought (Pepper-Cumin, from Rayna Gillman’s blog here, also YUMMMM) made with cumin seeds sent from Rayna (since I didn’t know of a single place to find them up here in the wilds of Maine!). Thanks Rayna!

Anyway, back to Frayed Edges. First Kate showed us this GORGEOUS length of fabric she bought on vacation in Florida, made by Bold Over Batiks–expensive but SO worth it!:

And Kathy bought a sweater pattern after she saw mine last month, ordered this beautiful hand-dyed yarn and has already begun knitting….how come it takes me so long to get going on anything…lookit at what Kathy has done already:

Kate wanted to know what to do with a piece she began at our last meeting for the Art Quilts Maine log cabin challenge. We fiddled with the edges and here is what we came up with:

Aren’t these glorious fabrics? One of the AQM members passed away, and her husband gave her stash to the group. AQM then (and drats I missed it) sold the fabric as a chapter fundraiser, $5 for a bag of scraps. Kate scored these awesome hand-painted pieces and made this top.

And here is Kathy’s piece, seen on her blog, too:

The background fabric started as white, then Kathy painted with the goal (achieved!) of looking like patina’ed copper. She adapted Deborah’s use of washers (check out Deborah’s Journal and scroll backwards to see how she used washers and inspired Kathy…see….we can still cross-pollinate and be more than a thousand miles apart!) and painted them up to match the fabric…awesome.

I loved the way Kathy quilted the piece, in waves and then sworls and eddies in the center

Tune in tomorrow or the next day for lunch and Ukrainian eggs…gotta go finish the taxes! (BLECH…art is so much more fun! Of course, tax refunds aren’t bad….)

2 Responses to “The Frayed Edges, March 2007”

  1. SiouxSue Says:

    Wow, you Frayed Edges are da BOMB! I love your work and hearing about you. I know Deborah wishes she was there.

    It’s been so long since we’ve been to Maine. I really miss going up there. Have been to China Village and to Poland.

    Again, you ladies are the greatest!

  2. Frances Caple Says:

    I love reading your frayed edges posts but not without a twinge of envy I would love a quilt group on the island even a traditional one, the quilt group on the island has some dominant new members who don’t quilt and so has been reduced to talking about bags and jackets, i don’t want a dressmaking group, I am thinking of starting up a group that is for quilts, how did you all start frayed edges?