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A tease….but at least it is quilty!

So I took a break from writing, and doing taxes (UGH!), and going to wrestling meets (courtesy of our late snowstorm, which has postponed regionals and States by a week), to sew! The good news is I can share this with you:

The bad news is that I can only tell you it is (wooohoo!) something I’m working on for an article. If all goes well, I’ll be published again by the end of this year. But, I am pretty sure I’m supposed to keep things “under wraps” until publication. So, I can only show this to you and not tell you about the article. Aren’t I wicked?

6 Responses to “A tease….but at least it is quilty!”

  1. SiouxSue Says:

    Good for you, Sarah, good for you!!!!

  2. Feeling Simply Quilty Says:

    I saw your quilt journal pages, I think yours are my favorite on the site. I especially like the guitar…anyone in particular? Jimi?

  3. Deb Says:

    I hope you get to tell us the publication just before it’s set to come out so we can be sure to buy a copy! Wow! You’re always going for it and what a wonderful inspiration!

  4. Felicia Says:

    Looks pretty so far.

  5. Quiltmuse Says:

    Hmm — more circles… and I like the zig outside the cirles when appliqueing them — thought at first it was frayed fabric, but discovered the truth when I clicked on the photo to enlarge it. Can’t wait to see what you do next with this piece!

  6. Frances Caple Says:

    congratulations Sarah, onwards and upwards,