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Pug Love and Eli’s birthday

Let’s just say I’m considerably more comfortable now than I was 9 years ago at this hour. Give or take 2 hours thanks to time zone changes and daylight savings, Eli joined the breathing 9 years ago. As usual, the party did not fall on his exact birthday, which is today, but yesterday. So we had BOYS….LOUD boys! Thank heavens there were only five of them…even our 13 year old was pleading for mercy! Here, the opening of gifts:

Followed by sugar, in the form of a yin and yang design (Eli’s idea after Joshua ate a bunch of the vanilla frosting and there wasn’t enough…turned out well, eh?):

Then they all went outside into the melting slushy snow and ice and cold water and got thoroughly wet in a snowball fight:

THEN, Eli’s “real” birthday began a day early. For YEARS he has wanted a pug. So, we told him we had ordered something, but it wasn’t ready and wouldn’t be for two more weeks, but that we could go see his gift. Here it is–currently a 6 week old male tan pug puppy:

And here is the first hug:

And here is the best of many, MANY photos taken on Sunday afternoon:

We don’t have a name yet, so suggestions are welcome, but Eli gets the final say-so! We are looking forward to the little beastie’s arrival home in two weeks. By then he might be about the size of Yeti’s back foot! When fully grown, he may be as large as Yeti’s head. Maybe. GRIN!

And then there was his “real” birthday today…after Ishinriyu karate practice (during which he gave himself a real doozie of a bruise, hence the elevated foot). First, gifts:

Then another cake! (to be followed by cupcakes tomorrow at school…enough with the baking and frosting!) Eli is grinning because he took THREE tries to blow them all out…what’s he gonna do when he is 50 (like his Mama will be this year) or 60 (ditto for Papa!)……

6 Responses to “Pug Love and Eli’s birthday”

  1. DubiQuilts - Debbi Says:

    Happy Birthday Eli! Eli’s new puppy is very cute.

  2. Quiltmuse Says:

    I love Puggles the Pug Ugly Pup! Hope to get a real look at him soon –hard to see through the hugs! What a wonderful birthday, Eli — one to remember! Congratulations.
    Sarah — glad you were doing the birthday and not me — I remember them all too well. and I had girls!


  3. Ellen Lorenzen Says:

    Sarah, Congratulations on the new puppy. You should read Margo Kaufman’s “Clara: The Story of the Pug Who Ruled My Life.” It is a riot, you will laugh out loud. I hope you socialize your new puppy and that he makes you happy for many years to come.

  4. Gerrie Says:

    Oh, how cute! This brings back memories. We lived in upstate NY until Mark was 10. In fact he had his last snowy birthday party that year, in 1976 on March 6th – all boys who had a food fight in our basement and so I banished them to the snowy backyard!!

  5. diana Says:

    if not winston
    perhaps Churchill

  6. Deborah Says:

    So fun! I am so excited for your family to be enjoying puppyhood. (It doesn’t last long!)