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Workshops & Calendar

Class listing update

Wow…that was fast! The class at Mystic Maine Quilts in Gardiner in late April is full! So we have added another Machine quilting class tentatively scheduled for Sunday, June 10. If the students are able to meet on a weekday, however, we will switch that to a mid-week day.

Wrestling update: Joshua “won” one match tonight by default (no one on the opposing team in his weight class) and “lost” one, on points. However, this was an awesome feat: His opponent, Brandon Rich from the Hope-Appleton-Lincolnville team is the State champion in his weight class last year, and took second place in the all-New Englands (SIX states!) last April! The fact that Joshua was able to avoid being pinned is really something. I think if Joshua had had to wrestle Brandon last year he would have been pinned before he realized the buzzer had finished sounding.

Weather update: It warmed up today, to two digits…we hit a high of 18! Tonight, a low of about 2, and tomorrow back to single digit highs and below zero night temps. Then, 48 hours later, we’re supposed to be highs in the 40s and lows in the 20s for the next week. Crazy! At least the ice rink on our driveway should finally melt….

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