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Mount Desert Island and the Island Quilters

Last Wednesday I had the good fortune to be invited to give my trunk show, “With a Dash of Color,” to the Island Quilters of Southwest Island, Mount Desert Island, Maine. Many of you may have heard of Acadia National Park, which takes up a good portion of the island, and Bar Harbor, the more well-known town there. Even in the tail end of winter, it is beautiful up there!

On the way up Highway 1 (the old Atlantic Coast Highway), I was able to cross the new “Narrows” bridge at Bucksport. It is the awesome new structure in this photo, with the old bridge (which will come down eventually) behind it. Unlike other suspension bridges I’ve been on where the cables are on the outside edges of the bridge, here the cables are in the center, with a lane of traffic on either side (leaving me feeling exposed and skittish driving across!).

For once, I remembered to take pictures of my set-up before the talk, with my quilts laid out on the tables, and for-sale items on the right along with my journal quilts.

Have I said recently how I love the internet? Turns out I was invited to speak because Maggie…in this picture in the red shirt taking a picture of me taking a picture of her!….has a friend in Florida who knows me and my work from being on the Janome 6500/6600 yahoo group! So here I am, just under 100 miles away from Southwest Harbor, connected by someone well over a thousand miles away!

The trunk show is just that: my life in quilts, from my earliest pieces to my most recent. But, I thought if I’m going to be paid for talking about my own work, the least I can do is teach folks a little something while I’m at it. So, I incorporated a lesson on working with color into it. Instead of sorting the quilts chronologically, I have sorted them by color schemes: achromatic (black-white-gray), monochromatic (one color), analogous (next to each other on the color wheel), triadics (red-yellow-blue or orange-green-purple), double complementary and polychromatic / rainbow.

Long-time visitors to this blog may remember that I did a tutorial series on color a while back; if you’d like to look at it, visit the February 2007 archive. Scroll down to February 17 and work your way forward in time!

After the talk, folks were able to come up and get a good, close look at my work:

And at my patterns for sale and quilts:

On the way home I stopped at the Quilters Cabin in Orland, Maine, which had this beautiful scene at the edge of the parking area:

Isn’t Maine just beautiful?

And further south, I took pictures of the Narrows bridge from the Bucksport (north) side:

I’m happy to say that my teaching schedule is set for the next few months, so my next post will include my schedule for now through the end of May! Hope to have a tidbit for you, too. Back soon and happy sewing, Sarah

2 Responses to “Mount Desert Island and the Island Quilters”

  1. joyce Says:

    It looks like the ladies are really enjoying your show. Too bad I live so far away!

  2. Deborah Says:

    Looks wonderful — I enjoyed every little detail. And hey! It looks like Blogrolling is working again.