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In like a lion!

We interrupt our regularly scheduled blogging for cheering! (and, OK … I give up…blogger is refusing to let me “fix” the errors it introduced in the font…hope you can read the end of the recipe…no matter what I do it won’t change font or size….sigh and snarl!)

Yes, at llllloooooonnnnnngggggg last, we have a proper winter snowstorm here in mid-coast Maine. And unlike south of here in Portland and environs, and here two weeks ago, the snow did not turn to rain (which turned to slush and then ice) in the later afternoon. For the past two weeks, the mid-coast area has been a virtual skating rink, melting off only a few days ago. (Update: DANG! During the course of writing this, it has turned to rain !!!!! PPPPffffoOOOOOOEEEEEYYYYYY!!!!!)

This morning we had six inches of fresh snow. So what do you do on a no-school Friday? Why, shovel and sit and play! If you are Yeti, you play couch potato out of doors and bask in the glory of a thick coat and your element:

If you are Joshua, you get ready:

You launch:

and you land:

If you are Eli, you dig a cave:

and then go in head first:

If you are Mommy, you take pictures of cool patterns, like the falling down woodpile:

Our neighbor’s perfect tree:

and bark:

And if you are still a Yeti, you ask to stay outside a bit longer!

Then you make pea soup (recipe at the end):

Then you bring the dog in….alas, we didn’t use the flash (Eli was taking pictures and didn’t realize). How do you get that much snow off that big and hairy a dog? Why grab the push-broom!

Sarah’s Split Pea Soup

Here’s my recipe, which makes a very thick soup. If you like yours not-so-thick, add more water:

–2 slices bacon
–1 pound turkey kielbasa (if you like less meat, use half) cut into lengthwise quarters and cubed
–1 yellow onion, chopped
–2-3 cloves garlic peeled and smashed
–3 carrots, chopped very finely
–2 Yukon (or Aroostook) Gold potatoes, chopped finely
–1 bag (one pound I think) split green peas
–2 bay leaves
–herbs (I used a Penzey‘s blend, Sunny Paris, which has
shallots, chives, green peppercorns, dill weed, basil, tarragon, chervil and bay leaf.
–3 16-oz cans chicken broth
–4 cups or more water

–Saute bacon in a dutch oven.
–Add 1/3 to 1/2 of the turkey kielbasa and brown it.
–Remove the browned kielbasa from the pan and saute the next batch until done.
–Remove bacon and kielbasa from pan.
–Add chopped onion and saute.
–Add smashed garlic and saute briefly.
–Add ONE can of chicken broth to de-glaze the tasty brown bits on the bottom of the pan.
–Add finely chopped carrots and chopped potato.
–Rinse split peas and (if needed) remove any small stones or twigs. Add to pot.
–Add remaining TWO cans of chicken broth and two cups water.
–Sprinkle on some seasoning and add bay leaves.
–DO NOT add salt or pepper yet…the salt in the chicken broth and pepper in the kielbasa may (or may not) be enough.
–Raise heat under pan and bring to a boil, then reduce heat to lowest setting and simmer.
–Stir every so often so that it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan and scorch.
–Taste test, adding salt and pepper if desired.
–IF the soup is too thick add more water to desired consistency.

I made my soup in the late morning, then turned the heat off. 45 minutes before dinner turn the heat back on under the soup to warm it up slowly. I added about two more cups of water at this time.

I also made croutons. I save our heels from bread loaves (the boys went through half a loaf just in French Toast for breakfast today!!!), then shave off the crust side and cube. Spray a jelly roll pan (or half-sheet cake pan) with Pam, spread cubed bread one layer deep, and spray again with Pam (I use regular on the sheet, Olive Oil Pam on the cubes). Broil for about 2 minutes…watch it like a hawk! It burns in a nano-second…and don’t ask how I know this. Don’t use the shelf level closest to the broiler…go down one. Pull out pan, “toss” the croutons, and return to broil for 1-2 minutes.

4 Responses to “In like a lion!”

  1. DubiQuilts - Debbi Says:

    It looks like fun at your house today. It has been snowing most of today and this evening. The wind is blowing so hard the dogs are only staying outside for a few minutes.

    Hubby makes pea soup all the time and yours sounds good. I will have to pass it along to hubby. He does all the cooking.

  2. joyce Says:

    I can see that you all really enjoyed your snow. We have a lot of it too. Hopefully not for much longer though.

  3. Deborah Says:

    Claire loved digging tunnels! Sigh. Looks like big fun. The soup sounds wonderful.

  4. Revalani Says:

    I’m copying that soup recipe right now, thank you!