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Aimone: The purposes of design

I thought I might do a series of brief notes with quotations from Aimone’s “Design! A Lively Guide to Design Basics for Artists and Craftspeople.” So, let’s begin at the beginning. Here is the opening of Chapter 1, The purposes of design (p.14)

…The purposes of design fall roughly into five categories: Descriptive (to document the visible world), narrative (to tell a story or send a message), emotive (to evoke a mood), utilitarian (to perform a practical function), and decorative (to creatively arrange design elements, such as color and shape). Keep in mind that most designs serve more than one of these purposes. In fact, overlap is almost inevitable. Usually, however, one design purpose is primary, and the success of any design can be judged by how well it achieves its purpose.

In a day or so, I’ll upload photos of my lecture on Mount Desert Island Wednesday evening, then my upcoming class schedule, and maybe even (if I can find the photo so I can scan it) me doing one of the scariest things I’ve ever done in my life….walking on the edge of the aquaduct outside of La Paz, Bolivia…..but more on that later. Now, I’m off to the sofa. Eli breathed on me. I feel icky and achy, and that’s after two extra-strength Tylenol and tea. Brrrrrr…….

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