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Two good things……

Or, at least for the first one, why I love the internet….

In my in-box today was a note from an avid birder, who must have somehow pinged on ivory-billed woodpecker. He saw my latest quilt, and even mentioned it on his blog —thanks Cyberthrush, whoever you are. And did I say I love the internet?

Another really great thing happened, but alas it looks like I won’t be able to take advantage of it. See, I’ve entered Bijagos Warrior into two shows…one that isn’t over until Jan. 23, another that requires the quilt to arrive by March 15. I won’t know if I am accepted into these shows or not until late November. Well, the President of the Pine Tree Quilt Guild (the statewide Maine quilt guild) called and said they would like to submit MY quilt (!!!!!) to be the Maine / PTQG entry into a juried show (to be juried…not a certain thing) at the New England Quilt Museum! WHAT an honor, as a newcomer to Maine, to be asked to represent the state in a show that is to be called something along the lines of “The Best of New England.” WOW! The bummer is that the show runs January 21 to April 1. If I get into either of the two shows I have already entered, I’d overlap.
This is where I’d like to add a photo of Bijagos Warrior, but I can’t get Blogger to respond when I click on the add a photo button, so I’ll have to settle (for now) with adding a link to the quilt on my website: Here.

It is HORRIDLY bad form to bail on an entry after you have sent it in, so I can’t really withdraw my application / entry form. The PTQG just learned of this opportunity, which is why the late notice. I’m so bummed. If I had known, I would gladly have skipped the chance to show Bijagos Warrior in either of the two shows I entered (both fairly nice ones….Road to California and the AQatS, Art Quilts at the Sedgwick) for the privelege of being considered as the Maine state entry.

So, I’m taking great big gulps and telling myself this stuff has to happen for a reason, that it IS an honor to be asked, and maybe I’ll be lucky enough to have another such opportunity come my way. Sigh. But I sure would’ve liked to be able to say yes to the PTQG… Now, repeat to self: something else good will come of this, something else good will come of this, there IS a reason why you applied to those two shows……. So, I am intensely grateful to the PTQG for thinking my work deserves such an honor, and really, really sad I can’t offer up “my guy.” Sigh.

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