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Another brief interlude…for wandering quilter…

who asked two questions. Since $&*)(+*^ blogger now sends most comments to me as “no reply” I can’t reply off-line! So here goes, and hope these may be of interest or use to the rest of you (thank you again for surfing in…I’m always amazed that folks actually DO surf in regularly! THANKS!).

Why did I switch to a Mac?

–I was sick of Norton anti-virus programs the suck up memory and slow down the computer to glacial
–my son has an Apple G4 through his school, and I wanted to be able to know my way around his laptop (Maine has an AWESOME program–laptops for EVERY 7th, 8th and 9th grader in the state, and working their way up the years in high school as the program progresses… the idea is that EVERY Maine student will be prepared for life with computer skills no matter what their family’s financial or educational background…way cool!)
–Apples are good for art type programs, and I think the Apple Version of PowerPoint will be much easier for me to use for teaching / lectures (she said, optimistically, hoping that someone will HIRE her to do this!).

Was the quilting in my Tree and Wall quilts on a long-arm or HSM?

It is ALL done on my Janome 6600! I love LOVE LOVE this machine! It has a larger harp area and handles ANY thread with ease. With the extra space (about 2 more inches horizontally, an inch or a bit more vertically) it is SO MUCH easier to manipulate the bulk of a quilt. I’ll try to post pics of me at the machine in a week or so. There are some of my set-up back in May or June Archives…when I was working on the Tableau / Nativity quilt if you’re inclined to browse the archives. But I’ll post some new ones for fun before too long.

OK…. finished jury duty today (yeah!) so going to run quilt a bit before the kids get home and chaos ensues!

3 Responses to “Another brief interlude…for wandering quilter…”

  1. the wandering quilter Says:

    Sarah Ann, thanks for answering my questions :). I’ve been tracking for awhile now with interest, people leaving the PC world and heading over to the Mac world. We did just the opposite, left the Mac world behind for the PC world. But that was quite a few years ago!

    I’m going to dig through your archives to find those pictures, I’m always fascinated with the how and why of the way quilters work!

  2. Karen Says:

    Hi Sarah,

    Welcome to the light side; you’ll never look back!

    I love my mac and would NEVER go back to a PC. My dept. at Xerox (where I am a user interface designer and therefore use a lot of graphics programs) switched about 3 years ago, thank goodness. My daughter has the macbook pro (she’s a student at U of IL in Urbana-Champaign) and loves it! My husband toyed with switching to a mac a few months ago but succumbed to his fears and bought a PC; he’s been regretting it since because of the constant problems with virus software updates, etc.


  3. Jules Says:

    I am glad to see that Maine has the laptop program. We are working on it here in Cobb County, GA, but it is meeting with a lot of opposition. Maybe if there are more successful programs out there, we can get it done here, too.