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AWOL, and done!

A.W.O.L, for my non-US readers, is an acronym that comes to us from the military meaning Absent WithOut Leave (i.e. going off without permission).  So, I have been AWOL a bit.  What have I been doing?  Alas, I can’t tell you, well not much anyway.  I was invited to submit a quilt for a juried invitational exhibit.  That means you make a quilt to theme and size, and it may or may not get in.  Anyway, the past 2 1/2 weeks I’ve been quilting like a madwoman!   I’m thinking my entry will get in, but if it doesn’t, I’m OK with that because honestly I think this piece may be one of the best things I’ve ever done (so it is KILLING ME not to share it!).

What I can share, is the thread.  On a quilt that measures 12 square feet, I used 46 threads on the top (in the green bin) and 16 threads on the bottom (in the bag on the right…also one thread was used both top and bottom), for a total of 61 threads.  Here they are all laid out nicely, with the 16 bobbin threads in the top row (including four cones), and 45 of the 46 top threads below; the repeat was the lime green bobbin thread–aren’t they pretty????

and as always, I like the line drawing on the back side of the quilt almost as much as the front.  I will have word in about a month about the exhibit, and can share (either way, whether I get in or not) then…..
In the meantime, I hope to be a bit more regular at blogging.  You can always tell when either I’m slamming on a project OR too much life is happening…blogposts become scarce! Will try to do better,

Cheers, Sarah

5 Responses to “AWOL, and done!”

  1. Debby H. Says:

    Wooo the threads look yummy! I just can’t wait to see the piece! I’m sure it will be fantastic!

  2. Jan Says:

    Welcome back. Best of luck on getting your work accepted and I am looking forward to seeing it. Must be fabulous if you feel so good about it.

  3. Jacquie in Vermont Says:

    Nice to see you blogging — even if you are a bit of a tease! I can see some people trying to guess the quilt based on the thread colors … I wish them luck!

  4. Maggie Szafranski Says:

    What gorgeous colors! Okay, the quilt will be 36″ x 48″. Did you have enough thread?

  5. Grace Says:

    I cannot wait to see what you’ve come up with. I suppose no sneak peaks for us regular folk huh?

    mmmh,mmmh….love the threads. One day (sigh) I too will have acquired all the lovely threads my cupboards can hold (or buy more cupboards for sure).