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Life is Good

This was going to be about one thing, then another good thing happened, then another, and then yet another! Yes, life is good, and there are good people in the world.

Last week, I received an e-mail from one of my machine quilting students. She had done some machine quilting before the class, but wanted to learn more. Well, I’d say she’s well on her way now! Sally Robbins, of North Haven (an island off the coast in Penobscot Bay), Maine, sent me this jpeg showing a 31×43 wholecloth quilt:

Sally wrote: “I have been wanting to do something like this for sometime. I used a design in Pepper Cory’s book on quilt marking, that being the center diamond, and several methods for getting the design onto the top.” I think she did an incredibly good job and am so happy for her. I see lots of quilts in her future! Thanks to Sally for sharing, congrats for tackling such a project, and I’m so glad if my class helped her get to where she is!

Then, yesterday as I was cleaning up after working on “the chair,” Eli announced “the plant man is here.” Plant man? Well, it was the flower delivery guy… Sister Gervaise, Beth O’Hara and the Development Office at San Domenico sent me flowers in thanks for the Nativity quilt!!!! You can read about this quilt, which I made for my school here. Better yet, click here for the June Archives, and scroll down to the bottom to June 1, then skip your way through the month and the various posts on the nativity quilt.

Tonight, in just under 2 hours as a matter of fact, will be the 101st consecutive perfomance Christmas Tableaux. In “scenes” and song and bell choir and spoken word, the performance tells the story of the Nativity. I get goosebumps thinking about a play being performed like this for more than a century without interruption. I am blessed to have been able to go to school at San Domenico (grades 7-12), most of all because of the love and caring from the sisters and staff. And I’m so happy I was able to make and give them the Nativity quilt in thanks for all they have given to me and continue to give to students and families alike.

After getting home in the pitch dark and rain and ick tonight after Joshua’s guitar lesson at 5:30, we found the mail. And in the mail I found this wonderful postcard made by Jacquie “the QuiltMuse” Scuitto with the note “In recognition of your fantastic quilting progress this year. Keep up the great work” I am blessed to have such wonderful, giving friends (in this case someone I met over the internet and had the joy of meeting this June when she came to Maine…blog post here).

After making a quick spaghetti dinner, we went into town (in the rain and cold and ick) for the Christmas tree lighting (Boo hiss–they were to light the tree at 7. We got there at 6:47, and it was already lit…early…guess it was too nasty out to wait?). Then we walked over to the Chestnut Street Baptist Church where they have this awesome “walk through Bethlehem.” You enter the church for singing, then in turns (as a member of one of the tribes of Israel) get to walk through the large building spaces they have which they have dressed up for the holidays into various scenes, starting with the prophet Isaiah doing a reading /telling his story, on through the birth of the baby Jesus. One part of it was SO cool I took about 10 photos–here’s one–, which I’ll share tomorrow. Hmm…maybe I’ll go back again tomorrow night just to sit in the church and sing the songs (we got about half of one carol before it was our turn to “walk through the city” and I could do with some more hymns).

2 Responses to “Life is Good”

  1. Karoda Says:

    lol, I feel blessed just reading about your blessed day!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Sarah, what a fantastic day. Wow. That blue quilt is fantastic. Good for you all! Blessings as we enter the first day of Advent.