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Workshops & Calendar

Dyeing in Middle School

Wow…what an insane week! Haven’t even had a chance to post about my birthday last Tuesday, which was wonderful! In a nutshell, I went off the diet long enough to fix spaghetti (lots) for dinner (yummm…and no whining from the kids!) and have cheesecake for desert. Received a couple checks for my b-day, and had planned on a thread splurge. Then the printer died on Weds., so guess what…..I got a new printer for my b-day LOL! Sigh. Anyway, I DID order a catalog for the Matisse and textiles exhibit that is currently on at the Metropolitan in NYC before the printer died, so that will be here in a couple of weeks and should be great fun.

In the meantime, I’m slamming to finish a quilt for Lion Brand Yarns (more on that in the next post), then helped the art teacher at Camden-Rockport Middle School (CRMS) for two afternoons this week in a tie-dye workshop after school. As usual, it was mostly girls, but we got some great shirts out of it! We rinsed out today, so thought I’d post the results. Some of the shirts were tied quite tightly so there is a lot of white, but the girls like the results anyway…phew! I asked the girls to hold their shirts up to hide their faces to protect them on the internet, so that’s why the photos look like they do! Good job ladies and gentleman! (PS—for some reason a couple of the photos wouldn’t upload…sorry I couldn’t get them all on, ladies!)

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