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Sarah’s Frayed Edges Book

Not too long after my mini-group, the Frayed Edges, started meeting, we decided to do a round robin of sorts, but instead 0f each of us doing a part of a single quilt someone (OK….my friends, I know you are reading this…who remembers how this began…Deborah, was it you? Kate? Kathy?) suggested we each do a book, and do pages for each other.

We each picked a size and a theme. Deborah picked numbers, Kate picked hands, Kathy picked the sea, and I picked (sigh) Aphrodesiac foods. I had just read Aphrodite, A Memoir of the Senses by Isabel Allende. In it Allende writes about foods that are reputed to be aphrodesiacs in various cultures and times in history. I thought it would be a total hoot to make a quilt that looks oh-so-wholesome (think fruits and vegetables), but is in fact about aphrodesiacs. I still may do that, but for the book I shared with my friends with the instructions to use a food f rom Isabel’s list, or any food they thought ought to be an aphrodesiac.

For example, Papayas are not on Isabel’s list. How could such a lush, seductive, delectable fruit laden with so many fertile seeds not be on the list? So I added it…on the cover! The photo on p. 48 of the current issue of Quilting Arts (about to hit mailboxes and newsstands if it hasn’t gotten there already) is way better than mine, here, but you get the idea! I bought a scrapbook, then made a cover for it.

These are the first pages inside, with a collaged list of the fruits, vegetables, meats, drinks and such that are in Aphrodite.

The first page I received was from Deborah. I hadn’t intended the scrapbook pages to remain, but Deborah took the idea and ran with it gloriously. She loves artichokes, which are on the list, so she made this incredible collage of an artichoke from magazine papers:

On the back of the page (on the left side in the photo below), Deborah (clever lady this one!) went to the home store and picked up paint chips that had a food in the name of the color and made this funderful piece of stitched together paint chips!!!!

The next month, it was Kathy Daniel‘s turn, and she picked mussels (her thing about the sea! in her quintessential blues) for one side of the page, on the right side in the photo above, and pomegranate for the reverse:

Then at last it was Kate Cutko’s turn. She LOVES her lattes and coffee, so she made this piece, which I love to bits because it reminds me so much of her cards that I love. On the back (below) she even “signed” it with real coffee cup rings!

Hannah wasn’t part of our group when we did this swap, but she is now, and we are going to work on another round for our books with the goal of having them done in time for our show at the Camden Public Library in August 2007. Hannah has picked “motherhood” as her theme (she has three girls and is in the process of adopting one more!)..perfect!

3 Responses to “Sarah’s Frayed Edges Book”

  1. :-D eirdre Says:

    My darling hubby left the mail in his car until last night and I was thrilled to go to bed early and get right into the newest Quilting Arts – your cover is outstanding! The lushness is incredible, and I can’t believe it was left out of your inspiration book!

    The photos of your other members work is also great – I want a local art group!


  2. Anonymous Says:

    Sarah, your group is fantastically talented. I LOVE to see all your work. It just blows me away!!!

  3. Art and Quilting in Camden » Blog Archive » The Frayed Edges — May 2009, Part 1 Says:

    […] could pick anything from her book, or anything they considered aphrodisiac).  Here’s a link to an older blogpost about my […]