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IQA Festival Houston, 2006–part 3: The Janome Gang and more quilts

At noon on Friday (Nov. 2), I finally got to meet listmom Janis and more of the good ladies from the Yahoo Groups Janome 6500/6600 list. It was so much fun to meet them, see the winning quilts from our on-line competition. The photo above is Janis pinning the blue ribbon on the first place winner, who won a Janome 6600! In the next photo, she’s awarding the ribbon to the second place winner,

whom we got to meet. I loved this quilt…the challenge theme was “I love my Janome,” and what better way to depict your ideal—being on a deserted island with your sewing machine and having time and space to sew, sew, sew!

And here’s a photo of the group of us…if you’re in this photo, drop me a comment and I’ll insert your name here!

Earlier in the week, on Tuesday evening after flying in from our respective coasts, Marie and I attended the “Winner’s Circle,” where the winners prizes are announced and awarded. I was thrilled to hear a familiar name: Pat LaPierre Macafee (who lives part of the year on Mount Dessert Island here in Maine, and part of the year in Naples, Fla.) and her Naples, FL, quilt guild won first place for group quilts for this beauty! Pat did the quilting and accepted the prize….way to go Pat!

Another familiar name, but not someone I know personally, is Rita Steffenson. She came up with another wow-ser this year. Here is the quilt “Chance Encounter” hanging at the Winner’s Circle:

Rita is (on the right) answering the questions of the many admirers (of whom I am one). I love her bright, glorious colors and intense quilting!

Australian Helen Godden won for Mekong Gold, a black and white quilt…I’m so sorry I don’t have a better picture of it, but you can click here and follow the links to the winners and see a better one. Wonderful!

And for another surprise, I loved this fairly traditional quilt which was another big winner. It is another of the Japanese quilts that enchanted me, called “Promise” by Noriko Kido of Nagoya:

I’ll add some more photos in coming days….come back and visit again!

3 Responses to “IQA Festival Houston, 2006–part 3: The Janome Gang and more quilts”

  1. Lazy Girl Says:


    Thank you for bringing us along on your trip to Houston. I love your stories and behind the scenes info.

    Joan Hawley
    Lazy Girl Designs

  2. joyce Says:

    All I can say is WOW!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    What a wonderful time you had…beautiful quilts!