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Elation and the Twilight Zone

Here’s the elation part: OK, I’m about to pop so I’m gonna share it here! Karey Bresenhan and her cousin Nancy O’Bryant are two of the four founders of Festival (also known as Mecca to quilters, and located in Houston), along with their late mothers. One of their enviable jobs is to purchase quilts for the International Quilt Festival Collection. I am honored and humbled that they have selected The Tide is Hire to be in that collection!

Elated doesn’t begin to cover it….how about rocketing past Saturn with Neptune rapidly coming into view? This is the first (and I will certainly work hard to assure it is not the last) major sale for me, and I am so thrilled that Karey and Nancy thought so highly of my work. I will strive to live up to their confidence in me, and am itching to get back to the studio. I can still scarcely believe that my work will join that of so many famous quilters, but I’ve even printed out the e-mail so I can keep checking it to make sure the words haven’t changed LOL!

And in another bit of disbelief…or…..

entering the Twilight Zone:

I am now, officially as of 9:17 p.m. EST, the mother of a teenager. Yep, that’s my thirteen year old boy! Love him to bits, too! His first words this morning were “that’s the coolest balloon I’ve ever seen” (well, after “I don’t feel good can I stay home today” because he was actually running a bit of a fever):

And he was thrilled with his gifts from the three of us: three classic rock CD’s including Pink Floyd’s The Wall, Led Zeppelin IV, and a Van Halen CD that Eli knew Joshua wanted. Way cool! And this evening, we celebrated the fact that he doesn’t feel sick any more with his favorite thing for his birthday: pumpkin pie!

And here he is, risking lighting his head on fire with all that hair hanging over the candles:

And Paul decided to have a little pie under his whipped cream!

With all its ups and downs, I wouldn’t trade a nanosecond of the past thirteen years with Joshua and then Eli. They make life wonderful!

8 Responses to “Elation and the Twilight Zone”

  1. DubiQuilts Says:

    WOW WOW WOW………….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You and your quilt did outstanding!

    I too love pie with my whipped cream.

  2. Quiltmuse Says:

    How wonderful, Sarah! A true validation of your wonderful work!

    Belated birthday congrats to Joshua — and that is a really cool (and appropriate!) balloon.


  3. Diane Says:

    Congratulations on your quilt sale, Sarah! The quilt is FABULOUS and I’m not at all surprised they wanted it for their permanent collection. Good for you!!!

  4. Deb R Says:

    Congratulations, Sarah, that is FABULOUS news! I’m so happy for you!

  5. joyce Says:

    Congratulations on your big win, but given the wonderful quilt, it is not all that surprising. Looks like you have a wonderful son too. And a birthday pumpkin pie is a great idea!

  6. Jeri Says:

    Sarah, your quilt was absolutely magnificent! I stood and looked at it for a long time. The colors are so happy. It doesn’t surprise me at all that Nancy and Karey bought it! Congratulations – what a validation of your work!

  7. Deb Says:

    You’re certainly a rising star! I’m so thrilled to know you personally! You were my tablemate even! And that young man of yours is awesome! My baby turns 26 tomorrow (Nov.10th) and the time flies by! Always put the family first! You’ll always have time for everything else! Congratulations! Remember we knew you when! (Well I just met you – but you get it.)

  8. Jeri Says:

    Wow! Sarah! I’m so glad Karey and Nancy bought your quilt. It is a stunner. And having teenagers is fun!Happy Birthday, Joshua!! My 13 year old son also adores Pumpkin pie.. But he only eats the filling. LOL. It was great to see you in Houston and your tiara was lovely. Anytime you are in NY, come for a visit! The kids might have a blast.!