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Workshops & Calendar

IQA Festival Houston, 2006–part 1

This year has been a good one…in addition to the dyeing workshop with Carol Soderlund, I got to attend Festival with Marie, my bestest buddy who still lives in Washington state. Here we are on preview night at her Garden of “A” quilt, a combination of blocks from the Dear Jane and Dear Hannah books by Brenda Papadakis. Marie designed the original setting on this huge quilt, and it was juried into the “In Full Bloom” exhibit, her first time ever being juried into Houston. I’m thrilled beyond belief and so proud of her. The first time we went to Houston, 3 years ago, was when we did our first journal quilts and I got juried in for the first time. It’s fun to take turns!

As always, Festival was HUGE, inspiring, overwhelming, led to sore feet and back, and the determination to try harder and do better than ever. For this first post, I’ve shared Marie’s first quilt in Houston already, and here is my quilt The Tide is Hire in the Viking Exhibit,

As a dyed-in-the-cloth art quilter, but with roots firmly planted in traditional quilting, I was surprised that my all-time favorite quilt of the show was La Avena Romantica, by M. Mizuno of Japan.

and here is the “blurb” sheet on this quilt:

Usually I am drawn to bright, clear colors and loose, free style. But I just loved this highly structured, muted piece. The tiny grains on the barley stalks are individually appliqued…each one the size of a pencil eraser! The white circles around the sheaf of barley are embroidered, and it looked like the whole piece was made of fine woolens (though the information says it is all cotton). Here are two details shots:

In the coming days I’ll share more of my favorite things from Festival, including the awesome journal quilts and book. In the meantime, if you’d like to see more, click on the ruby slippers at the Quilts, Inc., website here or click here to go directly to Festival coverage. I’m proud that both my Viking entry and one of my journal quilts are featured on the webcast. To see the Viking entry, click on the link at the top of the page for Husqvarna Viking Gallery (it’s alphabetical order so I’m on the last screen), and for the February 2006 journal quilt click on the Journal Quilts 2006 link–on the second page of images.

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