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Journal quilts–January, February and March

Hi all…uploading this post from Festival in Houston! If you click here, you can go to the Quilts Inc website and take a loot by clicking on the Ruby Slippers. I’ll post lots more when I get home… until then…..

At LONG last, I can share the journal quilts for this year, since Festival is now officially open! Remember that tutorial series I did a while back on color? Well, I wanted to continue the color studies with a more “art-y” set of journals. For my first attempt, I wanted to do achromatic, meaning no color or black-white-gray. Obviously, I didn’t quite manage. Doing no color is very hard for me, so this ended up being a wintery monochromatic of sorts…white, pale blues, grays, a bit of taupe:


In February, I decided that I’d do a bird of paradise, which happens to be a perfect split complementary. The flower itself if the complementary pair of orange and blue, while the stalk and leave are green with slivers of red.


Deborah, one of the Frayed Edges, moved to Dallas in February. The rest of us had hoped to have a farewell gift for her. Ahem. Things slid due to the holidays and life and hecticness in general. So she got a house-warming gift in May! We made journal sized quilts and hung them from a piece of driftwood (to see more about this, click here). This month’s piece is what I call “natural” colors. If I were to head to the color wheel, I guess I’d call this analogous and blue are next to each other on the color wheel.


The January and February journals are two of five (the others are from previous years) that were included in the Creative Quilting: The Journal Quilt Project book, which is now available here. Yippeee!

3 Responses to “Journal quilts–January, February and March”

  1. :-D eirdre Says:

    Sounds like you are having a ball! Wish I was there too, so I’m expecting a full report when you get back (after a long nap)!

  2. Caitlin Says:

    Wow. January and February are really strong pieces! I always like to see quilts breaking the border. I’m not sure why march doesn’t speak to me as much – the grasses are fabulous. Maybe It’s the starkness of the white, at least in reproduction, that doesn’t quite sit right? Anyway CONGRATS on having your journal quilts included in the publication – well done and well deserved!

  3. Deborah Says:

    I think Caitlin is right — the white appears starker in this photo than in real life. I know this because I just went down to the dining room and looked at it! What you can’t see in the March journal in this picture is the amazing detail of the quilting and the texture of the rocky shoreline. I just love love love having it! Thank you!