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Update on Chinese site and Berea, KY

Good news…I got a response from Baidu, the Chinese website referring me to their webmaster, but since at least half a doze folks from here and the QuiltArt list have said that Baidu is the Chinese language version of Google, I have relaxed about the whole thing. Fascinating, though, that someone found me in China!

And….if you are from Berea Kentucky and surfed in last Friday or Saturday evening, you were the 20,000th visitor and (if you’d like it) have won a free pattern. If I don’t hear from you by the time we hit 25,000 (we’re approaching 21,000 now) I’ll do the drawing again. I know that someone from Berea has visited a few times, but they aren’t as regular readers as many of you…thank you all!

Teaching today, so no pics this morning, but hopefully some tomorrow. And if Blogger cooperates (always an iffy proposition), I’ll continue to upload pictures of my journal quilts. That way when I’m in Houston I can try to log on and upload a few new posts with the journals…I can’t share them until Nov. 1, when Festival officially opens, so we all have to wait until then. Toodles…gotta fix Eli breakfast and get him on the bus, then into the car to teach!

One Response to “Update on Chinese site and Berea, KY”

  1. Brenda Says:

    As noted on Serena’s Blog , Google has been Google has been placed on ArtReview magazine’s top 100 most influential [people] in the art world. I wonder where the Chinese equivalent of Google would rate!