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The Frayed Edges, October 2006

I’m tired but happy…we had a wonderful day yesterday at Kate’s house. Yes, it was another FUNDERFUL Frayed Edges Day! We started with rain on the way there, but even so it was a beautiful late autumn drive down Route 24, which runs along the western side of the Kennebec River (I sure hope I’ve got the name right…gulp). I crossed the river in Randolph/Gardiner, then drove down to Bowdoinham to Kate’s.

We talked about our group show in July 2007 at the Camden library, and worked out some details for a group piece that we are planning (minor things like sizes of the small pieces, subject matter, that sort of thing!)….then, since we last met it was Hannah’s birthday and then mine, so we had a surprise gift exchange. Here’s my goodies, including things which Deborah (our ex-pat member living in the furnace of Dallas) sent…on time of course! See Deborah…you are with us even when you’re not!

Kate gave me the cutest little guy angel pin she made, with an antique safety pin on the back. Kath made a felted wool pocket, complete w/ith curly rovings and sparkling nearly-but-not hidden beads and a 1947 vintage McCall’s magazine…what a hoot and treasure! Hannah gave me an adorable felted snowman, and Deborah sent a fiber postcard, notebook and some hand-painted cloth. YUMM! Wonderful, thoughtful, creative friends. Maine is, as the saying goes, the way life should be…filled with friends!

And here’s the postcard I made for Hannah. She loved a photo I took of the baby birdies in the porch rafters this July, so I made her a card of them!

Here are more of Hannah’s snowmen on Kate’s new table…can you believe she scored this one at the recycling shed? Sheesh…that woman finds more treasures at the dump!

AND, she made these rabbits, which Kate had to test out on a fairy shelter she made with her kids:

As usual, lunch was a feast. Before that, we had muffins and banana nut bread courtesy of Hannah and me. Lunch was Kate’s Rosemary Foccacia (sp?) and Squash and Leek soup (using, she told us, 3/4 of her entire crop of leeks….better luck next year?), salad (me) and finished with an incredible apple pie from Kathy. YUM!

As we were sitting around at lunch, I noticed this fabulous lock on Kate’s trunk…isn’t it awesome?

And to end the day….after I got home….Eli, age 8, came trooping in with his latest garden / woods find: a salamander. SHUDDER! It’s a boy thing. I’m not a boy! Shudder! EEEK! But it was cool. And Eli was asked to return him to someplace safe and damp. Quickly.

One Response to “The Frayed Edges, October 2006”

  1. Deborah Says:

    So lovely. I am missing you all. I think I need to look at airfares.