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Workshops & Calendar

Acadia 3

Now for the best photos of the weekend….the first coastal shot is from the Loop Road. Then we

parked near Eagle Lake and took a ride to Witch Pond….talk about glorious!

We stopped at the halfway point near something called (I think) Frenchman’s Bay…an overlook:

And rode by this pond on the way back to the car…all in all it was a 6.6 mile ride. It was pretty easy for everyone, except for Eli who was tired. He has ridden 10-11 miles (he’s 8 1/2) before, but was tired … probably because the nearly full moon was so bright that it kept waking us all up!

Near the 4 mile mark was a 3-arch bridge. The shapes were wonderful, and so were the photo ops!

Here’s one with a reflection of the bridge,

and a photo of leaves in a pool that remind me of something Andy Goldsworthy might begin to play with:

This is as many photos as I can get into apost (it’s a Blogger thing), so will add the last ones tomorrow.

4 Responses to “Acadia 3”

  1. :-D eirdre Says:

    Your photos are wonderful and it sounds like the vacation was a hit! Thanks for sharing – I think a trip to Maine should be put on the calendar.

  2. DubiQuilts Says:

    The photos are great. I just may have to come and visit.

  3. irvincalicut Says:


    ur blog is so wonderful !

    i like the photos very much !

    and the accent of ur blog ! wow great keep it up Bye

  4. Irvin Says:

    hai bye the bye !
    if u want to be my blog friend just log on to my blog site !!