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Can I? YES! I can, and I DID

….well….nearly! I still have to hand sew down the back of the binding (mulled over doing it by machine, but want top notch work, so will hand sew), sew on the sleeve, and make and add the label. Will also need to quilt the critters I added at the last moment, but that will be fairly easy!
YEAH! So here it is:

As you can see, I decided on the wavy inner border, and had thought of using facings. BUT, I also tried something just to see …when I sewed on the facings (straight grain) instead of turning them to the back I wrapped them, and liked the combination of both binding and inner border, except for the dark brown in the center bottom. So, I un-sewed the center and spliced in some of the mottled batik I think of as “lichen on rocks.” Now it looks better.

Here’s a close-up of the finished boy and dragon

–today I beefed up the “fringes” –that aqua eyebrow thingy made with Madeira Jewel FX (black core) thread… in this case a teal/black metallic thread.

I really like how the clouds turned out. Thanks to Dubiquilts and Betty and the Frayed Edges and everyone who commented for their suggestions…the quilt is better because of you! I kept the fire after all, and added clouds (except in thread, and now have a new technique with the clouds that I love…look at the tree pics below) and added critters that give you a little extra treat for coming up and looking closely.

and here’s one of the foxes and a better picture of the clouds….

Caroline asked a question about how I did the trees, so I’ll post that reply tomorrow! Now, for some sofa R&R! Nope..hang on…change that. Tomorrow I’ll upload the story on which I based this quilt…it is a story I wrote for my oldest son when we were getting ready for a cross-country move. Then I’ll post the answers to Caroline’s question on Wednesday. OK?

6 Responses to “Can I? YES! I can, and I DID”

  1. Frances Says:

    double congratulations Sarah for finishing a gorgeous quilt in a week, love it, Frances,

  2. Deborah Says:

    Just magical! Great job.

  3. Sue Says:

    Well yea for you for getting it completed on time, it’s beautiful!

  4. Sioux Says:

    Oh, wow, wow, wow, Sarah, it’s wonderful. I’m sending your blog to my granddaughter Jennifer…she will love it. She’s 11 and writing a fantasy novel right now. You did great, kid!!

  5. caroline Says:

    This looks terrific. I think the inner border really ‘makes’ it.

  6. Joanna van Says:

    This is a great quilt. Thanks for sharing all your stages on how you got there. The dragon wing is great! Is this all made from teal black metallic thread?
