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Can I finish "The Boy and The Dragon" in a week?–Friday update

Can you say BORING? Today I quilted the rocks and cave entrance on the right,

the grasses (golden fabric with gray grass, a batik), and the ground (the creamy scroll).

Oh, and the backpack, mandolin and jug.

From a distance, you can’t tell I’ve done a thing despite a long day at the machine. Oh well.

Tomorrow, the shrubs and rocks in the two bottom corners, the trees and (saving as a treat) the sky, since I’ve decided to quilt in clouds and am looking forward to that. Then, the inner border, facing, hanging sleeve and label. Suuuurrrrrrrre! By Sunday. Yeah…um……

3 Responses to “Can I finish "The Boy and The Dragon" in a week?–Friday update”

  1. Catluvr Says:


    This is just awesome. Good Luck and waiting anxiously to see the finished product.

    Sherry in NC

  2. DubiQuilts Says:

    Keep up the good work. I can’t wait to see the finished quilt.

    Thanks for all the emails!

  3. caroline Says:

    Sarah, I am very much enjoying your progress on this quilt. Could you explain how you have done the rocks and tress? Piecing? fusing? Thanks 🙂