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Workshops & Calendar

Can I finish "The Boy and The Dragon" in a week?–Wednesday installment

Had a meeting today in Augusta (about 45 miles almost due West of here…Camden) for the Workshop Committe of the Pine Tree Quilt Guild‘s Maine Quilts 2008 show. We got to select the teachers, and though I can’t say who we picked, I’m REALLY psyched! That took the morning–even though the meeting finished early (a miracle!), I went over to Barnes and Noble. Ahem. More on that in a bit.

When I got home, I worked some more and have the top almost done. In this picture, I am auditioning some greens for a fused “inner border” that will go around the edges (will probably be a wavering line, not totally straight).

Today I:

–modified the wing’s right edge to where I like it better
–added branches and boughs to the trees
–finished the boy (re did the face and hair, moved the feet)
–added the Dragon’s umm…what do you call them? Scales? No…the ridge / crest things….
–added the Dragon’s horns
–added a clump of grass or two and the second tree next to the cave
–put up those cloud things, and don’t like them (they are pinned and will disappear)

I still need to: figure out what to put in the foreground. It was going to be a fire, but since I lightened the sky from night to day, I have decided I don’t think the fire to keep them warm (especially with the boy in short sleeves) works. So I checked the story I wrote for Joshua eons ago, and will add some of what he took on his journey: a magical water jug, a picnic basket (both of which refill themselves), a mandolin (now he’s a guitar player…did I have ESP or something?), and a blue backpack. Then, baste and start quilting!!!

Any suggestions? Do write and tell me what you think!

And back to Barnes and Noble…. I indulged in The Decoraged Page by Gwen Diehn. Talk about eye candy, and 30 percent off. It is about journaling, and very creative journaling at that. Some of the techniques will translate to cloth, others can be modified, and the design stuff applies no matter what medium you use. I can see borrowing from the “layout” options (full-page designs, grids, madalas, columns, diagonals, organic shapes, cut-outs and add-ons) for a series of quilts…. Hannah and Kathy: do either one of you have this book? The title seemed familiar, but the contents seemed new. I know both of you have awesome journaling books on your shelves… now I can share this one!

That’s it folks! Tune in tomorrow for another update.

PS—thanks for all the helpful comments. Sequoia…I loved your ideas, but by the time I got them had already made the fire, but now I’ll just call it the morning campfire! Thanks!

7 Responses to “Can I finish "The Boy and The Dragon" in a week?–Wednesday installment”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    How about a campfire that has gone out? You could make it be like dawn and they are just beginning to waken and they have the day of adventure awaiting them.


  2. kathy Says:

    me! the watercolors are inspiring as is the way she prepares her pages beforehand…nice choice at 30% off!

  3. DubiQuilts Says:

    WOW WOW you are doing a great job. The trees and mountains add depth to the quilt. I really like the clouds maybe keep them. The water jug and backpack are great ideas.

  4. joyce Says:

    I am amazed at what you can do with fabric. It is just beautiful. You have inspired me to try a picture. Are a lot of the fabrics hand dyes or are they commercial fabrics? Also are you fusing the pieces on? Do you ever think of doing an online tutorial?

  5. joyce Says:

    Oh , I just read back and see that you fused. Makes a lot of sense to me.

  6. judy coates perez Says:

    looks great Sarah!

  7. Sioux Says:

    Can’t wait to hear how it went and see the finished product!