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Can I finish "The Boy and The Dragon" in a week?–Tuesday installment

Tuesday update: I worked four solid hours, maybe a bit more, before breaking for lunch and had this–I love how the cave opening and rocky hill on the right turned out:

I then took a half hour bike ride (I WILL lose those pounds!) and ate lunch. Less than 90 minutes later I went back to work. Interrupted repeatedly by two sons coming home at different times, having to bludgeon number one son to do homework, etc. This is what I finished at fix-dinner-time:

Seems like I didn’t get much done in the afternoon…a wing (which I really like–fused tulle, a tacky halloween spiderweb number that works well on quilts) made by slashing and layering the splice lines to create ribs, and a boy. Who isn’t done. Sigh.

Anyway, I’m pleased with the overall progress. I have a bit more to do—branches for the trees, a woodfire in front of the boy and dragon (dusk is approaching….though I’m not sure the sky looks like that…hmmm….should I skip the fire? you tell me!), and some more grasses on the ground. Oh yeah…the spines / doo-hickies along the spine on the dragon! DUH Sarah!

5 Responses to “Can I finish "The Boy and The Dragon" in a week?–Tuesday installment”

  1. DubiQuilts Says:

    You are work really fast and doing a great job. I like how it is turning out. I wouldn’t skip the fire. Because the sky is so blue maybe a dull red for the fire would be ok. I don’t think the quilt police are real so do what you want.

  2. Dianna in Maui Says:

    Great progress Sarah! It seems like I am always Queen of the Last Minute (I got my Road to CA entry in the Express Mail today!), and did my Kona coffee quilt in 10 days last year. YOU CAN DO IT! 🙂

  3. Caitlin Says:

    ROCKING along, there, S!

  4. Sioux Says:

    Sarah, it’s looking great!!!

  5. CalicoDaydreams Says:

    Wow, you have made so much progress!

    I would say you can skip the fire- you already have plans of trees in the foreground, but the final choice is yours (and the clocks- lol).