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Can I finish "The Boy and The Dragon" in a week?

Well…at least I got to the cloth today. I signed up for the Fabled Fibers challenge MONTHS ago…something like six months ago. And I have been so flat out busy that I finally began cutting fabric Monday. The quilt is due Sunday. Ahem. Ya think I work well under pressure? Guess so…. I keep finding myself under deadlines!

The idea behind the challenge is to illustrate a fable or children’s story. I couldn’t make up my mind, but the image will suit either The Reluctant Dragon by Kenneth Grahame (of Wind in the Willows fame) or the story I wrote for Joshua when we were getting ready to move to San Juan island back in 1997. Since the Reluctant Dragon was written well before 1923, it is in the public domain, and I didn’t so much as look at any of the illustrated versions! And, I did think about the quilt a lot, though, and had a clear idea in my head. So…..

Last week I took a photo of Eli with the dog:

Then I turned traced Eli (paper over computer) and turned the dog into a dragon, then enlarged the whole thing in Photoshop yesterday to four pieces of paper:

Today I fused a whole bunch of fabric (you didn’t think I was going to attempt to do this in a week with traditional needleturn did you LOL?????) and got started. Here’s what I had as of 5:05 p.m. Monday. The “canvas” is about 34×40 inches…..

So, I’m obviously going to machine quilt this….and have only one major time eater this week, a Workshop Committee meeting for the 2008 Maine Quilts show up in Augusta, and that will be fun. Today I managed to row over 7000 metres on the rowing machine at the Y (am on a 2-week push to drop 3-6 pounds…have been on a plateau for TOO long), and plan a bike ride tomorrow, then off on Weds…. stay tuned!

4 Responses to “Can I finish "The Boy and The Dragon" in a week?”

  1. martha in ny Says:

    You can do it Sarah! It is going to be great!

  2. Sioux Says:

    Sarah, I just love the way you have taken the photo and turned it into a dragon and boy. You’ll do great!!

  3. Quiltmuse Says:

    I love morphing Yeti into a dragon! And sure you can get it finished in time — you are superwoman aren’t you? lol

  4. DubiQuilts Says:

    You are off to a great start. Great job! You can do it.