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Postcards, Again! Orbs and Planets….

Well, I promised you more, so get ready! Today’s theme is “orbs”, or planets, or moons, or whatever. Circular. I don’t know why but I’ve had this “thing” for night and deep space quilts lately. Out of the 16 or so new cards (some not complete, others to be posted about in a day or two or more), I will keep a few as teaching samples, sell a few, and send five or six to Virginia Spiegel’s Fiberart For A Cause, a fundraiser for cancer research. (And a slightly tacky aside: If anyone really is interested in purchasing one of these cards, they are $30 (including not-insured shipping in an envelope in the US)…write to me soon if you’re interested, otherwise some of the orbs will go to FFAC in about ten days).

The first is the exception…it has mountains as well as space / sky, and is another in the moon over the mountains series I posted about earlier.

My favorite of these orbs may be this one, Mars. I usually stay away from reds, but I really like this one:

Oh yeah…I forgot Turtle Moon, hmm….that may be my favorite (the theme here: Simple is Beautiful)—that’s the one I left at the top of the blog as a teaser to get you to read on!

Planet Irridescence is made using Shiva oil paintstiks (nevertheless, made to use on cloth and the oil doesn’t halo). I placed a rubber stamp I carved underneath and layered metallic aqua and silver Shiva for the planet, then used a commercial “animal skin texture” rubbing plate for the rest. “Bound” / edge-finished with sparkly yarn and eyelash yarn twisted together.

Magenta has been one of my favorite Crayola colors since I was in first grade, and here is Magenta Moon–I had fun quilting this one!

Copper Heavens is simple, and unusual colors for me…I was trying to work in atypical colors and materials. I really like the variable-width satin stitch:

3 Responses to “Postcards, Again! Orbs and Planets….”

  1. DubiQuilts Says:

    Great postcard!

  2. dee Says:

    Hi Sarah, I just got back from Maine and I’m fondling my fabrics from Maine-ly Quilts.My husband was sleepingin the car by the time I was finished(bless his heart)Just as well that he was too groggy to notice the bill. What a fun place. The owner is from Long Island not too far from me. Lots of conversation and I saw your postcards, which are even more lovely in person. Thanks for the tip-I wish I could be there for one of your classes. Are you going to the Freddy Moran class? It looks like great fun!

  3. kathy Says:

    mars is my favorite!! Lovely simplicity…