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Freezer paper stencil idea, classes and thanks!

Caitlin wrote:
These are really lovely – well done! I found one problem I had with freezer paper stencils was that sometimes the fabric I was painting wiggled underneath the brush – simple solution: iron freezer paper to the BACK of the fabric as well! (of course, doesn’t work if you’ve already got fusing on the back of the fabric…)

which led me to muse:

Brilliant idea! Since mine were already fused to the stabilizer (like timtex but Floriani brand) they didn’t wobble, plus the areas were really pretty small…maybe 4 cm across at the widest point (you do use metric in Oz don’t you? Or do you have thelegacy of inches from Britain?). Hmmm…thinking on it, if you already had fuse on, I’ll bet you could iron it to parchment paper or yo ur applique press sheet though, since it kinda sticks before it peels off, and that might serve the same function as freezer paper…hmmm….will have to remember and try that!

I was going to send that directly to Caity, but her comment came through as no reply from Blogger, plus I thought it might be an idea someone else could use…so here it is! HTH!

Thanks to all who wrote such nice comments about the cards. I have another bunch going and will post them in a week or two…it’s going to be a BUSY week.

Yesterday had a tiny (2-person!) but wonderful class with Ann and Nina (sorry…forgot my camera so no pics). With a combined 60 years of quilting experience (mind-boggling…they aren’t old, so they clearly started young!) they absolutely took to the guidance for the various bindings and edge treatments—both really know how to sew well, so I could just say “do this” and they’d be off and running. They are the first to ever do ALL the finishes in all my samples….I’m thrilled to know it is possible, and happy that I actually had something new to share with two ladies who have done that much sewing! FUN class, ladies!

I’ll be teaching on Thursday in Auburn (2 hours each way…thank heavens there is a Starbucks in Auburn–GRIN!)–this time it is machine applique. And on Saturday I’ll be back at my “quilty home,” Maine-ly Sewing, doing the intro machine quilting class. That one is very full, but we scheduled another on Sunday, October 15, which still has openings.

Thanks to everyone for the kind comments and for surfing in from literally around the world!

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