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Postcards for Coastal Quilters

On Saturday, I gave a talk about making fabric postcards to my local guild chapter, the Coastal Quilters (one of the many, many, MANY regional chapters in our state-wide Pine Tree Quilt Guild). Fortunately, I think it went well…when folks are asking questions at the end, that means they were interested, paid attention, and are thinking…all of which are really cool things! Here’s a picture of my set-up…rudimentary but functional! And I had fun…probably talked a bit too long, but it was fun and folks seemed to enjoy it.

This talk ended up serving triple duty: first, it was this talk. Second, Marjorie at Maine-ly Sewing asked me—when I told her I was doing this–to turn it into a class (it’ll be on October 21, Saturday, at the shop in Nobleboro, Maine). Third, it got me to get my keester in gear and make some more postcards for Fiberart For a Cause, a fundraiser for cancer research.

First, I talked about the supplies one uses. There are several great tutorials on the internet, including here at Deb R’s blog, at Kathie Briggs‘ blog, and Pamela Allen’s. I decided that for my class, I needed teaching samples, showing progress from blank stabilizer to finished card. Here’s the first of two “sequences”:

Here’s the start..a single fabric fused to the stabilizer (Floriani Stitch and Sew I think it is called), with a few stems and flowers:

Next, more stems, grass and flowers:

Third: finished, version 1, which will be donated to the FFAC sale at Festival in Houston:

Fourth, finished version 2, with a few more beads:

It’s now REALLY late at night … well, OK, it’s late for me…. I’m halfway to becoming a Mainer. Mainers are very early risers. Which means they also must go to bed reasonably early too. I do the go to bed early bit. The alarm goes off and wakes me up at 6, which I find unreasonably early, only to find that some of my true Mainer friends are already up and have already read my blog! Eeeek! So, I’m off to bed. I’ll post the second sequence tomorrow (I hope), and add more photos as the week goes on.

3 Responses to “Postcards for Coastal Quilters”

  1. Lisa Walton Says:

    Love the postcards Sarah – how do you do your binding stitch – it is really interesting

  2. Micki Says:

    These are great Sarah.

  3. Amy Says:

    Being able to see the process fo evolution of the card is great. Love the colors too.