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And now we are NINE

Yes, the fur-creatures now outnumber the humans because I am a weak, weak, WEAK woman. Or maybe just smart? Here’s how it began (ps..the reward, the photo, is at the end….):

I went to the bank to deposit a small check for a small sale (the turtle mini-quiltlet mounted on canvas). Our bank has a cage/crate with a cat from the local shelter every Friday. Well, it was Weds. and they had one in there! She is white calico, with light grey and light caramel. She was friendly. One of my favorite employees at the bank was visiting her so I went to say hello to both of them. She walked right up to me, bumped, purred, and spoke to me. I listened. She has MANY toes. We haven’t yet been able to count since she is still a bit touchy from a recent spay operation, but we are guessing at least 24-26…..poor sweet dear looks like she has a foot and a half on some paws….

That means most of the rest of Weds. was spent filling out the adoption form, dropping it off at the shelter, calling the friends I put as references to let them know I had done so, then when we got the “OK you’re approved” call, calling the vet to schedule a quick check-up (to make sure she didn’t have anything she could give our other kitties, bringing her home, setting up a temporary poo pan and food/water dishes in our bedroom (letting her get used to us and the house before introducing her to the others).

So….there has been some minor hissing between the cats, but no serious spats. The first night, she came to sleep with me in the crook of my arm, and now follows me about the house. She even–gasp! a cat?!!–comes when called! Maybe she can teach the other cats? So now, we are:

Paul (daddy)
Sarah (me)
Joshua (#1 son)
Eli (#2 son)

Yeti, the wonder dog (aka canine horse)

Zeus, the 9 year old Siamese from the shelter in Friday Harbor, Wash.

Tyger Dumpster, the 8 year old orange tabby from a shelter in Burlington, Wash. (he was found tied into a bag inside a dumpster!!!! some people shouldn’t be allowed to walk the streets!)

Hannah Chan, the tabby Paul and the boys rescued 6 years ago–some neighbor kids had found her far from any houses at about 4 weeks of age, but the boy was highly allergic. So she was named for the Hannah family, in whose hayfield she was found, and the Chan kids, who found her but couldn’t keep her.

and the newly Christened
Thumper Flightfoot: Thumper (thanks to our vet, who also suggested Snowshoe, but that’s too hard to call out!) because her hind feet look like a rabbit’s, with oddly long toes (many of them), and Flightfoot because she looks like she’s about ready to take off wtih those big feeties:

More pictures when I can…slamming to get postcards done for a lecture to my local guild chapter tomorrow. Pics of the postcards as well as the cat before too long…..

4 Responses to “And now we are NINE”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Now someone else has more paws than I do for a change – well at least more than those I “officially” claim. Way to go !

  2. :-D eirdre Says:

    I had a large grey cat with 4 double sets of toes – his name was Flipper.

    Flipper used his extra toes and he learned how to open doors to let himself outside, that was pretty weird!

  3. Robin Says:

    What a sweet cat and special story. Here’s to hoping many happy years with your new adoptee! Welcome home Thumper!

  4. CalicoDaydreams Says:

    Cute cat, but I can’t wait to see the postcards!
