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Workshops & Calendar

…the happiest time of the year

for any frazzled mom is BACK TO SCHOOL DAY! And today, DRUM ROLL PLEASE, is the day! Joshua got on the bus at about 6:51 a.m., followed about an hour later by his younger brother! That means I got caught up on computer work, prepared a class supply list for my new postcards workshop, and worked out. I hope to have some postcards to share in a day or two…LOTS of postcards, including in progress shots.

Now, to go take the “back to school day” photo that I forgot to take this morning (before Joshua tears his new clothes…)–also a tidbit from Twyla Tharp follows this post (2 in one day?!!!)…..

One Response to “…the happiest time of the year”

  1. Deborah Says:

    6:51 am?! That’s outrageous! Anyway, I’m so happy for you. Have a wonderful day.