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Achy achy, ick….

The best part of the week was Monday, when the Frayed Edges got together at Deborah Boschert’s house in Topsham. We’re sure gonna miss Deb, but are figuring out how to keep this foursome going with one of us in Texas and the three rest of us in Maine. Click here to get to Deborah’s Blog with all sorts of great pictures.

After that, not much to report other than my sons breathed on me and shared their germs. The good news is that I haven’t been sick in ages, and they are well already so this should be over soon! Grumble, grumble…..

INXS warning….don’t read if you didn’t watch the show.

OK……if I had to guess, I think that it is down to JD or Suzie. Suzie has the voice, JD has the music inside his head. Which do they need/want more? Kirk Pengilly had a good comment the other day, that this is getting harder, not easier, as the numbers dwindle. I think MiG is awesome, but am not sure that his voice or his music are equal to JD or Suzie…on the other hand, he’s a great performer and a nice guy, and that’s a good thing when you’re on the road together. Marty’s song Trees is a real toe-tapper, catchy, and hope it turns into a single, soon, just not an INXS single. Meow? Not really….I just don’t think he’s the right “mesh” for INXS. Of course, we’ll all find out soon enough. And it sounds like there will be a “reunion” for the final show next week. Can’t wait to see it, and hope they all get to sing.

Now, back to the sofa. Blug. That’s a combination of blech and ugh. All our anti-fever stuff (ibuprofen etc) is all at least a year out of date, so it isn’t exactly working at a hundred percent, so neither am I. Have to drive 80+ miles to teach tomorrow, so gonna crash. Nite nite…..

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