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Disney 3–the Disney theatre and environs

There are two theatres on board the ship. The smaller of the two is similar to a smaller multi-plex type screen, the larger is like a full-sized, old-fashioned, glorious movie house named after the man himself, the Walt Disney Theatre. Here is a picture of the deco design on one of the “boxes” at the Disney theatre:

It can host either movies (we saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest!), presentations (more on that in a sec) and stage shows (a la Disney…we didn’t go to any, since we’re not Disney buffs, but a whole host of passengers obviously love them).

Here is a shot of the ceiling with flash (you couldn’t really see the blue because of the way the room was lit, so it was a surprise to see it in the photo) which gives a sense of the large scale of the theatre:

and without flash

and a detail of that magnificent light fixture:

While there, Oren Aviv, formerly head of marketing and the new president of Disney Pictures (and on the cruise with his wife and young daughter), gave two talks that we attended. One was about the making of the Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3 movies, with the first ever anywhere sneak peeks at Pirates 3! Plus, we got to see the Flying Dutchman, the evil ship in Pirates 2, at Disney’s Island Castaway Cay (pics on that later on..probably in about 10 days after my workshop…). The second talk was about upcoming movies over the next 2 years or so, and was fascinating because we got to see how the animators do their thing, and some rough “early” graphics of what a movie might begin to look like…fascinating to see how it’s done.

Oh…by the way: population of the Magic while on a cruise: about 2000 passengers and 900+ staff! That includes kitchen, waiters, hosts, housekeeping, maintenance (and they were always working on the ship…at every port painting the exterior of the hull or washing the windows, in the later evenings, sprucing up the deck areas, you name it–meticulously maintained), guest services, entertainers, store staff, spa staff…..

Even the public restrooms were class…reminded me of an upscale, old-fashioned department store…all marble and deco style mirrors and lights:

At the forward end, near the spa and fitness area (an adults’ only part of the ship), I took a picture of the stair railings–aren’t they wonderful in their line and rhythm?

And here’s another stair well….

The spa treatments were extra, but the fitness area (use included in your cruise price) looked out from the 10th level over the bow of the ship as you sailed over the most incredibly ultramarine blue sea I’ve ever seen…many treadmills, ellipticals, exercise bikes and weight machines. I vowed before I left to try not to gain wait, so decided if I wanted dessert, I had to work out or exercise every time I wanted to splurge. I’m thrilled to report I actually succeeded! And loved sitting on the bike after a weight workout and watching the sea…..

Can you tell I loved the design of the ship???

One Response to “Disney 3–the Disney theatre and environs”

  1. :-D eirdre Says:

    Yes we can tell you loved the design of the ship!

    Thanks for sharing your vacation – you must have a much faster connection than I do, although today I am speeding along at 31k! LOL

    The trip sounds wonderful and good on you for keeping up the dessert for exercise routine!