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Be Inspired, Part 4…Teachers

To return to my progress on Be Inspired, the next figure I tackled was a teacher.  In our selection process, we realized that some professions inspire:  doctors, nurses, teachers.  Since this is for a school, of course we had to include teachers (and on the first panel, please!) as inspiring figures for kids.  Using a photograph of a classroom, I modified it to have the whiteboards in use in the middle school, wood floors (in the old 5th/6th grade wing of the building), and look sorta like a Camden-Rockport Middle School classroom.  On the blackboard, I will quilt “I touch the future, I teach” which is attributed to the late teacher-astronaut Christa McAuliffe, but I expect is a phrase that has been around a while.


This section took forever to complete…there were so many little pieces, and during the quilting so many thread-color-changes, that it took a full day to just do the fusing/collaging in fabric.  Here is the initial sketch/tracing:


And with the classroom pinned onto the quilt:


6 Responses to “Be Inspired, Part 4…Teachers”

  1. Kay Sorensen Says:

    I am SO impressed with what you are creating.

  2. Jacquie Says:

    Progress indeed! I think you’re going to make it!
    Good going — but save a little energy for next Sunday …

  3. Robin Koehler Says:

    WOW, Sarah, what an undertaking. I had no idea what you were up to. I am very impressed!

  4. Carol Thompson Says:

    Oh, Sarah, that is so ambitious. You’ve done a wonderful job and I look forward to seeing the entire finished quilt. You are a wonder.

  5. Linda Steele Says:

    I am inspired, Thank you for letting us see your progress.

  6. Ruth Powers Says:

    Sarah, This is an amazing project, just beautiful! Thank you for sharing!