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Be Inspired! Part 2…Martin Luther King (1)

2009.07.Blog.Be Inspired007

The second figure I tackled for Be Inspired (see original post dated July 11th) is Martin Luther King.  In polling of the four grades (5 through 8 ) King handily topped the list of inspiring figures from history, so he became the central figure on the first (of a projected three) “Americas” panels.

When dyeing the fabric for the earth/sea and sky backgrounds, I also did 2 1/2 yards of fabric in skin tones.  The patchy look on King’s face will smooth out once quilting in shades of browns and reds and some black is applied.  nyway, I’m thrilled that this actually LOOKS like King!

Here’s a picture of the full panel with Sacajawea and MLK:

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Now back to tracing, transferring, cutting, fusing and making people.   I do wonder WHAT possessed me to volunteer to do a quilt with 39 or more people……….  (reminder to self:  next time smack self upside head and run the other way!).  Of course, the fact that things are working out has me happily amazed….

11 Responses to “Be Inspired! Part 2…Martin Luther King (1)”

  1. mathea daunheimer Says:

    This is wonderful Sarah! You have such a great design sense and wow, its going to be huge! How Cool!!!

  2. Gloria E Says:

    You are sooo talented. Can’t wait to see it all finished.

  3. Rhoda Forbes Says:

    What an undertaking. It is great to see the process, can’t wait to see the finished piece.
    The woman and child are beautiful.

  4. Marie Says:

    OMG! You done good girl! This will be a tour de force for you in many ways! More than well done!

  5. Debby, in NC Says:

    I definitely would run the other way at the mention of portrait quilting! But my your people are so realistic and I know will be fabulous when you’re all done! You’re such an inspiration!

  6. Jacquie Says:

    I’m really impressed — and VERY proud to know you! Keep up the good work and don’t forget to sleep now and then …

  7. Grace Says:

    Wow girl! What a good likeness of MLK.

  8. Sally Says:

    All I can say is WOW! And what a monumental task you’ve undertaken. I’ll be anxious to watch its progress. You’re very talented. Sally

  9. Karoda Says:

    I commend you for taking on a community project! It will be fantastic when its finished!

  10. kathy daniels Says:

    you’re working really hard on this. Now , all your sketching lessons for the past few months makes perfect sense! Nice job so far, and I know the finished piece is going to be magnificient!

  11. Diane Says:

    Sarah, I appreciate all the work you are doing, it’s amazing and what a wonderful tribute to positive role models. Thank you for sharing.