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The seasons turn….

Even though it looks (almost) like high summer here in Maine, today I saw the first signs of change…confirming that dry rustling sound I’ve heard in the treetops: the very first leaves are beginning to turn! It won’t be peak “leaf season” here until about October 10, but the lows temps have dropped , and there is just a feel to the air…yipppeee! My favorite season is almost here…
and now, scroll down to “what we did for summer….”

One Response to “The seasons turn….”

  1. Julie in Alaska Says:

    Having my family originally from Maine, I remember the turning of summer to fall. The beautiful colors and the crisp sunny days.
    I miss that sometimes. We too are seeing the first signs of Fall, here in Anchorage, AK. We have experienced Terminal Dust. (First snow on the mountains signifying the termination of summer)Also the full flowering of the Fireweed. In a way I am looking forward to winter with it’s crisp, sunny, clear days with astounding views of the mountains. Hope you have the best Fall Season! Julie in Alaska