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My First National Level Ribbon!

WOOOHOOOO…..  in his final year of eligibility, I entered Bijagos Warrior into the NQA show after Lynn Kough invited me to submit an entry for the juried Contemporary Colorations Exhibit II after having seen Fields of Gold in the Chandler show in Arizon at the end of 2008.   Well, to my utter astonishment…while we were away on a trip to a WONDERFUL family reunion in Florida (more in a few days), someone on the Janome list said my quilt had won a prize.  Since I hadn’t seen my name on the list of winners I was confused…turns out NQA hadn’t posted THIS year’s winners, and I was looking at LAST year’s list!   Thanks to Marie K. on the Janome list, I have this picture of my quilt with an Honorable Mention ribbon (in the competitive pictorial category) at the show!

Bijagos Warrior with Honorable Mention Ribbon at the 40th (2009) NQA show in Ohio

Bijagos Warrior with Honorable Mention Ribbon at the 40th (2009) NQA show in Ohio

Thank you so much Marie for letting me know, taking the picture, and allowing me to share it.  The ribbon–my first ever in a truly national level show (had an Honorable last year at the large-regional, nearly-national show at Lowell Quilt Festival in Massachusetts)–is now hanging on the doorknob to my studio.  Now…to find time to make more truly competition worthy quilts.

In addition to Bijagos Warrior in the main show, I submitted several entries, for the contemporary colorations exhibit.   Fields of Gold was juried into along with works from Laura Cater-Woods Nancy G. Cook, Jane Davila, Karen G. Fisher, Marilyn Gillis, Terry Grant, Gloria Hansen, Leigh McDonald, Kathy McNeil, Pamela Mostek, Scott Murkin, Joanie Zeier Poole, Ruth Power, Jeri Riggs, Norma Schlager, Sarah Smith, Elizabeth Spannring, Cynthia St. Charles, Beth Wheeler, and Kathy York.  It is an incredible honor to be included among such talented artists.  Thank you Lynn!  Without your invitation, I probably wouldn’t have entered the main show and had this wonderful outcome!

Fields of Gold

Fields of Gold

16 Responses to “My First National Level Ribbon!”

  1. Maria Peagler Says:

    BIG congrats to you Sarah! How exciting and the quilt is absolutely exquisite. Go out and celebrate and do something really nice for yourself.

  2. Gretchen Says:

    Congratulations!!!! I love your quilts and I am so happy you are being recognized 🙂

  3. Lisa Says:

    Hooray – well done and about time. So thrilled for you. Love Fields of Gold (grin)

  4. Barbara Says:

    Congratulations! That is an amazing accomplishment!

  5. Carla Barrett Says:

    Congrats on your first national ribbon! Fabulous quilt, and the painting is very realistic.

  6. Judi Says:

    congratulations Sarah, I saw your quilt there but didn’t get a chance to read who made the quilts just had enough time to walk the aisles of the show while vending.

  7. Maggie in E. Central Illinois Says:

    WOOHOO!! A greatly deserved award!

  8. Candy Tucker Says:

    Sarah, congratulations! Both quilts are stunning. Your prize is well deserved. What a lovely surprise for you.

  9. Sara Says:

    Congratuations! Your quilt is magnificent. Can’t wait to see the next winner.

  10. Marie Says:

    WoooooHoooooooo – at long last !!!

  11. Vicki W Says:

    I read your article in MQU this morning – it was excellent! I hope you will be writing for them more often.

  12. Annie Says:

    I like your work very much, congrats on the ribbon!

    : )

  13. Heidi Says:

    Congratulations, well deserved !

  14. mathea daunheimer Says:

    congrats Sarah!!! that is a great accomplishment!

  15. Grace Says:

    Way to go Sarah! Congrats on the ribbon and entry in Houston.You are on a roll.

  16. Gloria E Says:

    Fabulous work!