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Sheer lunacy, or that’s my boys!

As I mentioned in my euphoria yesterday, I took the boys to Augusta for clothes shopping.

The big surprise was some of the shirts and pants that Joshua thought were cool…and he even wanted to get a red tie (or possibly a nice pale pink) to go with this outfit! Can you believe he is still 12? Will be 13 in November, looks…14?

Of course, once we started taking photos, he wanted me to take another, and another, and another and and and…… so here you go. I’m now waiting for hubby to tease me that (a) that MY genes are responsible and (b) they are from the shallow end of the gene pool.

Ahem…well……Personally, I’ll take credit for a boy with a sense of humor, good looks, good brains (of course, getting him to USE them in school is another matter entirely)….

And here’s the second son (who from time to time I swear channels his late Uncle Charlie, my half brother who died of cancer and about 96 years of hard living packed into 42 years back in 1982– it’s the impish grin that does it….). Mirriam-Webster may substitute his photo under the definition of CUTE! (not that I’m biased in any way of course…..)

Hmmm…..well…about that shallow end of the gene pool…. “grin!” I DO love my boys!

2 Responses to “Sheer lunacy, or that’s my boys!”

  1. Quiltmuse Says:

    Seems to have been a successful shopping excursion. Pity they don’t do as sensible clothing for girls in the same age range!

    Bracing for the 3-digit temps promised (threatened?) for today. Anticipating the oasis of cool represented by Curves!

  2. Elle Says:

    Love the guys modeling for us (and the energy!!!!)