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Knitting Interlude, Revisited

Well DRAT! Had a nice post almost DONE, and there was a thunderstorm and the power went out before I could hit save…so, trying again.

Quilting Fitzy commented on the last post:
I am SO struggling to learn to knit socks! I guess I need to go to a “real” yarn shop for some instruction! (And the appropriate yarn might help!)

I did go the double pointed needle way, and am into the heel, but am suffering BIG TIME from mass confusion.

Did you find this book was basic enough for a beginner? I’ve knit for years, but only do plain ol’ knit and purl and the VERY simple stuff!

(and of course blogger put her as “no reply” so I can only reply here….hope this helps others, too)

Both books…Bush and Bordi…will assume that you know how to knit, purl, cast on a couple of ways, cast off, increase, decrease, pick up stitches, do cables and yarn-overs and read a charted pattern. If you can do those, no matter how slowly or awkwardly, you can do the patterns in these books.

Of course, a lot of folks don‘t know how to do all of those things, and picking up stitches can be a bit tricky because you just can’t see well enough in a photo…helps a lot to be sitting next to someone doing it, then do it yourself several times. Still… Because I learn well by reading, I find having a basic knitting reference book invaluable..between the words and pictures, I can teach myself. However, not everyone can do that…some folks have to listen to verbal instructions (which to me sound like blah blah blah…nothing takes via my ear-path unless there are written words or pictures to go with it) and yet others have to actually DO whatever it is. You need to figure out how *you* learn, then find someone who can show you that way.

A good local yarn store is a great thing indeed. Here in Camden, we have two. One, Unique One, is wonderful; the other is not. At Unique One, even if you didn’t buy the yarn there, they are happy to help you, love talking knitting and are friendly and welcoming. At the other, to remain nameless store, they barely say hello, and basically it is an uncomfortable atmosphere. If Unique One doesn’t have what I need, I’d rather order something and wait than go to the other store!

If you can, buy some good sock yarn from a nice local store, and ask if you could come sit there while starting to turn the corner so you can ask for help if they aren’t busy, or ask if there is a sock class. It’s worth it! I generally do very well with the written word, but did take knitting classes over a span of decades (in the early 70s took beginning knitting at the local community college one summer, in the mid 80s, took an Icelandic class to learn how to strand different colors of yarn while living in Toronto)…

OK, that’s enough blather…I promise pictures in a short while….

One Response to “Knitting Interlude, Revisited”

  1. martha in ny Says:

    Hi Sarah. we have a shop whose name will not be mentioned here as well. Two hours away there is a great shop in Greenport, where the owner is friendly and helpful. Guess which one i go to?
    Sorry I can’t help with the socks. I am a kint and purl gurl.