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A Knitting Interlude

Well…if you can call over two years an interlude! Before we left Friday Harbor in June 2004, I bought a book called “Knitting on the Road” By Nancy Bush. I had just learned how to know socks on two circular needles, thanks to Cat Bordi (a fellow resident of San Juan Island, and author of Socks Soar on Two Circular Needles). I had never been able to manage socks before because the double-pointed needles slipped out on me…arrrrgh! But I could do it with circulars, yeah!

So I bought some wonderful burgundy sock yarn at Island Wools and decided to make the pattern named, what else, Friday Harbor! I began the socks. I got about 1 inch into the first leg, and stopped. Life intervened, along with a move across country, hubby’s heart attack, open-heart surgery and recovery, a LOT of quilting, and life in general.

Thanks to a fourteen inning minor league game at Hadlock Field, the Portland Sea Dogs (Red Sox farm team) in early July, they are now FINISHED! Ta DA! Drum roll please…

Please ignore my pasty white legs (ugh….oh to be Polynesian or some other race with glorious tawny brown skin…and no, tanning doesn’t work, I burn then peel….no tanning for this Irish ancestry girl…). We will also ignore the fact that it is muggy and mid-summer and I won’t be able to actually wear these for another two months!

2 Responses to “A Knitting Interlude”

  1. computerpeach Says:

    Those are great!

  2. QuiltingFitzy Says:

    I am SO struggling to learn to knit socks! I guess I need to go to a “real” yarn shop for some instruction! (And the appropriate yarn might help!)

    I did go the double pointed needle way, and am into the heel, but am suffering BIG TIME from mass confusion.

    Did you find this book was basic enough for a beginner? I’ve knit for years, but only do plain ol’ knit and purl and the VERY simple stuff!