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Tree Branch Moon

Regular viewers will notice I have a thing for trees, and woods, and (lately) sci fi books about exploring space and finding other worlds. Last November I blogged about “Circular Paradox,” a quilt inspired by two books about other sentient species in the universe, and particularly a passage in one of the Ender books by Orson Scott Card. This quilt is another in what I think will end up being a series of quilts about orbs in space. I don’t know why, but I LOVE this one, too. (To see more detail, click on the photo, or right-click to open in a new window or tab.)

If the composition looks familiar, a month or two ago someone asked about how I mark quilts, and I ended doing a post on circle templates and marking tools. I grabbed a scrap of navy blue (leftover from the sky in the nativity quilt) and marked some lines. As I looked at it, I decided I liked it enough to leave the chalk marks and make a small quilt out of it! Here’s a close up:

Like the Marshall Point Light piece that I posted a day or two ago, I decided this quiltlet (under 7 inches tall) needed a bit “more.” I wanted the visual field / stretch to go beyond the borders of the quilt, so I used so “solid” batik and a speckled batik (and I wish I had yards of the latter!) stretched onto a frame. This piece is currently on display at the bank and, if it doesn’t sell there, will move to Ducktrap Bay Trading Company (the local gallery) in August.

In reviewing other recent pieces, I remembered that a small gift I made for follow “Frayed Edges” member Kate Cutko is also part of this series.

Hope you like!

2 Responses to “Tree Branch Moon”

  1. Corky Says:

    Wow Sarah, I’ve been away from your blog for a while. Your latest stuff is fantastic.

  2. Beverly Says:

    I’ve been visiting your blog for awhile, and finally had to comment. The small work you have been posting is lovely- I especially like Sunrise, Penobscot Bay. I love the way the border complements the composition, and how the two seem to meld together. And, your quilting is beyond awesome. Beautiful!