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Winter Sunset, Camden

Long-time readers of this blog may recognize the photo in this quiltlet from a post this February which featured this photo . I cropped a similar photo, printed it onto cloth, and then quilted up this small piece ( 9 1/4 x 13 inches) with a dark blue border:

I LOVE the intensity of the colors in the winter sky! I have another piece, based on a photo of a similar sunset photo taken from Route 1 (the Old Atlantic Coast Highway), framed in black cloth that is waiting to be quilted, and is a bit larger…stay tuned!

Oh, and in case you couldn’t tell, I love to quilt!

5 Responses to “Winter Sunset, Camden”

  1. Deb R Says:

    Very pretty, Sarah!

  2. Sioux Says:

    It is absolutely glorious. Wish we were on Route 1 right now. You are such an artist, Sarah.

  3. dee Says:

    you’re so incredibly talented it makes my hair hurt…amazing work.

  4. Sarah Ann Smith Says:

    Thanks to all!
    Dee…Oh dear me…we can’t have your hair hurting LOL! The truth is ANYONE can do what I do, you just have to decide (a) you want to do it and (b) devote enough time to learn the skills to get you from where you are to where you want to be. I’m by no means a “natural” at this stuff, but I want to do it so much that I am learning.

    And if I can do it, ANYone can! Go for it!

  5. Dianna in Maui Says:

    Hi Sarah, Such a pretty sunset. Love your quilting, too. Great job!