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Workshops & Calendar

The Frayed Edges–July 2006

Well…. it’s summer in Maine, and it felt like it. Hot and humid, so it was lucious to be at Kathy’s house for the first time, enjoying the breeze from nearby China Lake. The good news is that I actually remembered to take a picture of us at lunchtime! Here we are:

Deborah had always recorded our meals in beautiful detail…I didn’t manage that this time, but at least we got the one photo! We had: cheese-broccoli quiche from Kathy, summer salad with fresh peas from Kate, bread from Sarah (who wimped out and did store bought… I got up at 5 to drive Joshua to wrestling camp, so had logged over 150 miles before got to Kathy’s house at 10 ish…), and watermelon and berries from Hannah (who, please cross your fingers on her behalf, had someone looking at her house (it is for sale) for the second time while we were there).

Mostly we got caught up, enjoyed a momentary respite from what is for all of us seeming like a VERY hectic summer, shared a few bits, and talked about our show next summer at the Camden Public Library! It will be part of the Maine Year of Fiberarts 2007, and we’ll have more details on that later on. It was great… we came up with some great ideas (which we need to run by Deborah, since we didn’t bring her new landline number with us!!!! aaargh…need to put it into my cell phone so I have it with me!) with ease and ready agreement and fun ping-ing of ideas. That’s what it is all about.

And of course pictures… the only thing I remembered to snap a picture was some cool bracelets Kathy bought recently while on a family vacation in PEI (Prince Edward Island):

I shared some of my new, small pieces…and PROMISE I *will* upload photos here in the coming days…..

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