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Mother’s Day 2009

It was a good day!   Eli came in early to snag Pigwidgeon (the pug) who had snuck out of Eli’s room and come into ours, and when I said hello, his first words were Happy Mother’s Day.  When I asked what he wanted for breakfast, he said “whatever you want, it’s mother’s day!”  What a sweetie!  Since it was a bit late, we decided on Blueberry pancakes.  YUM!


Paul and Eli had gone to the store and suprised me with a balloon this year, and the flowers…two!  A beautiful soft pink, lovely-scented lily (in the back) and a bouquet with my favorite yellow (I think Eli likes the spider mums, too)


and some of the coolest roses I’ve ever seen:


Then we went to the early show (less expensive) of the new Star Trek movie, which is AWESOME!  I’m not a rabid trekkie, though I did enjoy the original show (which was hoakie even back then).  But this new/re-do, which tells how Spock, Kirk, Uhura, Chekov, Sulu, Bones and Scotty all met, is as awesome in its own way as Casino Royale (which is probably the best Bond movie of all time).  Anyway, it was a wonderful day.  Thank you to all three of my boys… I love you all!

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