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Orbiting Saturn, dancing on the rings….

OK…. the Dreammakers that work at Quilts, Inc., in Houston, have been at it again, doing what they do best: making dreams come true.

Even before I went to Houston I had heard of the Viking Exhibit there (the link is to info on the Viking website). When I first attended Houston in 2004, the Viking exhibit was my favorite part of the whole nine-football -fields of juried show, exhibits, vendors. It is set up like a Gallery, with walls (instead of pipe-and-drape like most quilt shows, including Houston) that resemble grey cubicle walls, but taller, and excellent lighting and display. There is a book for each exhibit, with a full-page (which are about 8×8 inches) photo of each quilt. Some of my quilt idols had pieces hanging in that exhibit.

I decided I’d try to make a quilt to enter the next year. Didn’t get in. Decided to try again the following year. Didn’t get in. Decided to try again this year. Only had one entry. The theme this year is, as usual, suitably broad (aka vague so that many interpretations can be made): “Imagine That.”

I GOT IN!!!!!!! Me!!!!?????!!!!!!!! I’m going to be in the Viking show with real quilt artists! People whose names many avid quilters will recognize, who are recognized professionals in the field. Me! ??? !!!!!! On Monday, the e-mail arrived saying I was in… once again, the hard-working folks at Houston who help administer this show, helped make one of my dreams come true. (and I keep going back, and the e-mail is still there!!!!)

Alas, I can’t share a picture! You’ll have to wait until Quilt Festival opens in late October, at which point I can share here (or better yet, come see it in Houston… I’ll be grinning like an idiot standing next to it LOL!). In the meantime, I’m gonna keep tap dancing on the rings of Saturn, it’s too early to come down to Earth!

PS… here’s a link to the quilts from last year’s show… amazing: LINK.

PPS…I’ll do the strawberry blog tomorrow!

8 Responses to “Orbiting Saturn, dancing on the rings….”

  1. Mary Ann Littlejohn Says:

    Congratulations!! Anxiously awaiting Festival so we can see it.

    Hooray! Hooray! for Sara

  2. computerpeach Says:


  3. :-D eirdre Says:

    YOU ROCK! And I bet you are still Happy Snoopy Dancing!

  4. djn Says:

    Congratulations. You go, girl! I cannot wait to see what your entry is. I am so happy for you!

  5. Sioux Says:

    Sarah, how wonderful…and no wonder. Your quilts are exquisite. Way to go, Girl!!

  6. Gerrie Says:

    I’m so excited for you. With my commission, I just didn’t have time to do anything this year – next year!! Anyway, congrats to you!!

  7. MEZJ Says:

    I am bursting with pride and happinesss for you! You go girl !

  8. PaMdora Says:

    Hey, congratulations! I know you can’t post photos of the Viking quilt until the show opens, but I know yours will look wonderful in the exhibition and the catalogs. Good thing you kept at it!